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Steven Furtick Wears 2 Thousand-Dollar Sweater During Easter Sermon

Steven Furtick Wears 2 Thousand-Dollar Sweater During Easter Sermon

If there has been a more blatant example of Matthew 19:24 being played out in modern times than the Furtick family, I’ve not seen it. Jesus’s words were clear, “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of...

Reconciling Christian Love and Hatred Toward Enemies of God

Reconciling Christian Love and Hatred Toward Enemies of God

In an age where progressive thought and postmodernism dominate the cultural and intellectual landscape, Christians often find themselves challenged with the task of navigating their faith amidst conflicting ideologies. One such challenge arises in the form of a...


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