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The Entire Surrogacy and IVF Industry Is an Affront to God’s Design for the Family

by | Dec 5, 2023 | LGBTQ Issues, Opinion, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, Theology | 0 comments

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You’ve probably seen a lot of images floating around on social media in the last several days depicting homosexual fornicators with a child they received using in vitro fertilization (IVF) and a “surrogate” mother to carry the child. If you’ve seen these images and it rattled you, there is a reason for that. God designed the family—and this practice is a perversion of that design.

Surrogacy, often termed as “womb rental,” is a practice with ancient roots. This is evident from Genesis 16 in the Bible, where Abram, following God’s promise to make him a father of multitudes, takes an alternative path. Distrusting God’s plan to enable his elderly wife Sarai to conceive, Abram opts to use Sarai’s maidservant, Hagar, to bear a child for him and Sarai. This decision, an act of usurping God’s authority, involved Hagar as a surrogate. The outcome of this action, as we all know, was unfavorable.

Yet, this is exactly what this practice is designed to do today. It is to usurp God’s authority over the family unit and for people who could not otherwise have children to acquire them for personal gain. We’re not talking about adopting children who truly need to be adopted, rather we are talking about the industry of trafficking children. Whether it be pre-arranged adoptions before birth, the practice of in vitro fertilization, or surrogate wombs, this practice is always ungodly and always at the expense of the wellbeing of the child.

Throw homosexuals into the mix, and then all bets are off. Besides what we already know about the spiritual and physical damage, plus the wrath of God, that homosexuality causes, even secular studies show that children fare far better with a biological mother and father in the home to raise them. Of course, there are certain situations where adoption is necessary, but the pre-arranged trafficking of children for this purpose, especially among homosexual couples, can bring nothing but judgment.

The practice of surrogacy and IVF, especially within the context of homosexual relationships, not only distorts the Biblical design of family but also involves deeply troubling ethical concerns. In IVF, multiple embryos are often created, with the inherent risk that several will not survive. This raises significant moral questions from a Christian perspective, as life is sacred and worthy of protection from conception. The handling of these embryos, where life is both created and ended in a laboratory setting opposes God’s authority over life.

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Further, the use of surrogacy and IVF, particularly in situations where homosexual couples seek to have children, is a deliberate perversion of the Biblical family structure. The Bible clearly outlines the family as a union between a man and a woman, and this design is not only for the mutual benefit of the couple but also for the nurturing and raising of children.

The moral implications of surrogacy and its associated practices are not mere back-burner concerns but glaring violations of God’s nature and character. Surrogacy transforms the act of bearing and nurturing life into a mere transaction, a brazen commodification of both life and motherhood. This commercialization of birth and parenthood stands in defiance of the Biblical truth that children are a heritage from the Lord, a blessing to be received within the sanctity of marriage, not commodities to be bought or negotiated through financial agreements or contracts. Such practices are a direct affront to the sanctity of life and the divine institution of family as ordained by God and must be rejected by Christians.

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