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22-Year Professor at Southern Seminary Accuses School of Knowingly Hiring False Teachers

by | May 27, 2020 | heresy, News, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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If you’ve been following the drama since the firing of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary professor, Russell Fuller, then you’re probably aware of the the explosive claims the highly-respected theologian made regarding the liberal drift the school has seen over the last several years. If not, you can catch up on that here and here.

Fuller — who refused to take a bribe from Al Mohler to keep quiet about the seminary’s happenings — has been completely outspoken since he was let go and has named several professors, including Dominick Hernandez, who he says teaches and promotes mythology and Jonathan Pennington, who he says promotes postmodernism. He also named Curtis Woods, who has now moved on from the seminary on his own accord, as well as Jarvis Williams and the seminary’s provost, Matthew Hall, who have all embraced a social justice movement that Fuller says is “another gospel.”

Those who remain in the seminary, including several of the teachers Fuller named along with another well-respected and long-time professor, Dr. Tom Schreiner, have all teamed up to launch a character assassination against Russell Fuller since his firing.

Fuller, however, remains steadfast, writing that the “liberal drift of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky has resulted in the seminary knowingly hiring, maintaining and supporting false teachers.”

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As Reformation Charlotte and others have been reporting for years, there is most certainly a liberal drift not only within Southern Seminary, but all Southern Baptist seminaries, all Southern Baptist entities including the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, the missionary organizations, and LifeWay, as well as a growing number of churches whose pastors are trained in these seminaries. The sad part is that most of them didn’t see it coming while we warned them. Now, the firestorm has hit and barring an act of God, it’s probably too late to do anything about it.

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