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TGC’s Leading LGBTQ Consultant Says Transgenderism Isn’t a Sin, No Need to Confess or Repent

by | Sep 9, 2019 | News, The Church | 0 comments

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Mark Yarhouse is one of The Gospel Coalition’s leading LGBTQ consultants who is behind much of the unbiblical psychology behind the current zeitgeist of “gay Christianity.” Yarhouse has collaborated with such organizations as Revoice and Living Out, developing an ideology of LGBTQ psychology that minimizes the biblical worldview and elevates the secular worldview of these aberrant lifestyles and identities.

Yarhouse is famously known for his extensive “research” into various sexually deviant behaviors, their causes, and his approach to dealing with them when they arise. Yarhouse is the author of the book Do Ask, Do Tell, Let’s Talk: Why and How Christians Should Have Gay Friends, which is promoted by the Southern Baptist Religious Liberty Commission which discusses various methods of embracing the homosexual as a friend and a fellow Christian.

Yarhouse is a researcher at the Institute for the Study of Sexual Identity, and according to the website, “he chaired a groundbreaking symposium at the American Psychological Association’s annual convention that brought together gay psychologists and Christian psychologists to discuss common ground in treatment options for those who experience sexual and religious identity conflicts.” He also wrote a white paper on sexual identity which D.A. Carson, a co-founder of The Gospel Coalition recently edited for him.

Yarhouse stated in an episode Hole in My Heart podcast that transgenderism and gender dysphoria are essentially just natural states of being that do not require confession or repentance. Of course, this is at odds with what the Scriptures teach on the subject of transgenderism and is not rooted in a biblical worldview, but secular pop psychology. The Scriptures clearly teach that dishonoring your body, whether it be in thought only or indeed, is rebellion against God.

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Yarhouse goes on to say that homosexuals and transgenders do not “willfully choose” to be this way. This, again, is an affront to the Holy Spirit who promises to turn our desires toward Him upon regeneration. God promises to give us a new heart, to put a new spirit within us, and to remove our heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 36:26).

Starting at about the 27:00 minute mark in the audio below, you will Yarhouse and the host discuss this topic, where he is asked specifically if gender dysphoria and being gay is a sin that needs to be confessed, and he answers “no.”

Folks, this is the man behind much of the LGBTQ movement within the Evangelical Church. He is the man who is leading the paradigm shift in the leadership who are now moving toward an inclusive church model, softening tone on homosexuality, and a denial of the sin of same-sex attraction. One of Yarhouse’s proteges is Brad Hambrick, who gave a speech at Southern Baptist Convention president, JD Greear’s Summit Church next month on why Christians should have gay friends and will feature other social justice leaders such as Tim Keller and Ed Stetzer.


And we wonder why our SBC president believes the Bible only “whispers about” homosexuality as he calls on Christians to stand up for LGBT rights. This dangerous, secularized pop psychologist masquerading his work as biblical theology is one of the main culprits.

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