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Prominent Southern Baptist Leader Praises LGBTQ Activist and Feminist

by | Jun 13, 2019 | News, The Church | 0 comments

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When we began reporting on the decline of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), we told you how its continual slide toward progressivism was leading the denomination toward total destruction. As we’ve seen over the last few weeks, the Convention has departed its original mission — sending the gospel into the world and proclaiming the name of Jesus — and has become a liberalized propaganda machine wrought with captive audiences in pews around all around America. From social justice and feminism to LGBTQ activism, the SBC has now taken on most of these positions — at least to a certain and growing degree.

One prominent Southern Baptist leader and outspoken social justice activist, Thabiti Anyabwile, is now praising an LGBTQ activist. Thabiti Anyabwile, known for his continual diatribe against “whiteness,” tweeted the praises of former Liberty University LGBTQ protest organizer, Addyson Garner.

Garner describes herself as a “pro-life feminist,” who, much like a prominent professor at her Alma Mater, Karen Swallow Prior, holds to largely post-modern progressive ideas while claiming to be “conservative.”

During Garner’s senior year at Liberty University, she organized an LGBTQ rally to protest the university president, Jerry Falwell’s conservative position on transgenderism, calling him “transphobic.” The rally was in response to the Falwell family’s commenting that they intended to raise their daughter as a girl because “God decides what babies are going to be.”

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Obviously, we should never expect a conservative Christian who works at a Christian university to ever make such a hateful and insensitive comment, right?

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