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Watch, Black Man Assaults 65-Year-Old Asian Woman, Security Guard Does Nothing

by | Mar 30, 2021 | Law Enforcement, News, US

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A 65-year-old Asian American woman was assaulted by a large, black male while walking to church on Monday in New York City. The NYPD is asking the public to help identify the man. The attack occurred on 29 March at 360 West 43rd St. around 11:40 am. 800-577-TIPS.

The woman is brutally beaten, kicked, and stomped on by the male and, according to the NYPD, was told “f*** you, you don’t belong here.” as a security guard inside a building where this happened stands idly by, watches this take place, and does nothing but close the door.

This incident comes on the heels of another violent attack perpetrated by a black male on an Asian American in Manhattan.

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