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The Gay Supremacy Act Undermines the Rights of Minority Groups, Like Christians

by | Feb 26, 2021 | Opinion, Politics, Religion, US

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The hypocrisy of the left couldn’t be more obvious as they attempt to push through a massive bill that would do the very thing they claim they are trying to eliminate–it would undermine the rights of minority groups. H.R.5, dubbed by the left as The Equality Act, should rightfully be renamed the Gay Supremacy Act instead.

The purpose of the bill is to make it illegal for minority Christian and conservative groups to hold to their sincere religious beliefs–a guaranteed right in the Constitution–and undermine protections for these groups. The bill argues that homosexuals and other sexually perverse people and their allies are a minority group and are disproportionately discriminated against in the public square.

This is simply false. Gays are among the most celebrated group in this perverse society and while most Americans don’t self-identify as LGBTQ, support for them has hit record highs. 67 percent of Americans now support gay marriage despite the fact that such a perverse thing is destructive to society.

On the other hand, Christians, particularly, conservative, Bible-believing Christians, are clearly in the minority. Conservatives who hold to a biblical worldview are enslaved to “Cancel Culture” and are unable to voice their opinion on these issues without facing severe repercussions.

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Christians are being fired for speaking biblical truth on sexual morality, even outside of the workplace. Conservative websites are being dropped by hosting providers and pushed off of social media platforms by Big Tech. This is not disputable–this is not happening to homosexuals. It’s happening to conservatives.

The claim that gays are discriminated against is simply absurd, Christians are the ones discriminated against. And Christians are in the minority as only 25 percent of Americans identify as Evangelical Christians and only a fraction of those would be conservative.

This bill only solidifies the hypocrisy of the left in their hatred of conservatives and justifies their oppression against minorities. They do not serve the American people and they certainly do not serve God–they serve Satan.

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