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Self-Flagellant White Bimbo Sings About White Privilege on TikTok

by | Feb 26, 2021 | Education, News, Politics, US

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There are a lot of stupid people in the world, but the dumbest among them are the seemingly oblivious white liberals who demand other white people acknowledge their “white privilege” and “dismantle systemic racism” by actively working against it.

Of course, if they really meant what they say, they’d all step aside from their own systems of privilege and hand it over to those they believe are under-privileged.

This idiot, in this video, is apparently a teacher who believes its her duty as a teacher to “work to dismantle” these “systems” and to indoctrinate her students to do the same. Except, in typical leftist hypocrisy, she hasn’t dismantled anything — she’s still a privileged white woman with a job.


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