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CA Dems Introduce Bill Making it Illegal for Toy Stores to Have Separate Boys/Girls Sections

by | Feb 24, 2021 | Economy`, News, Politics, US

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In this age of absolute insanity, you can always count on the Democrats to come up with something even more absurd. The effeminate posse of California Democrats are introducing legislation now that would make it illegal, carrying a hefty fine for breaking the law.

The law, AB-1084 Gender neutral retail departments, if passed — and let’s just be real, it’s California, it will — will go into effect on January 1, 2024 and “would make a retail department store that fails to correct a violation of these provisions within 30 days of receiving written notice of the violation from the Attorney General liable for a civil penalty of $1,000, as provided,” according to the text.

The text of the bill, which is sponsored by two of the most radical leftists in California, and that’s saying a lot, Evan Low and Cristina Garcia, reads:

This bill would require a retail department store with 500 or more employees that sells childcare items, children’s clothing, or toys, to maintain undivided areas of its sales floor where the majority of those items being offered are displayed, regardless of whether an item has traditionally been marketed for either girls or for boys. The bill would prohibit the use of signage within each undivided area indicating that particular items are for either girls or for boys. If a retail department store places a childcare item, an article of children’s clothing, a toy, or anything that could be considered a combination thereof, in an area of its sales floor outside of the undivided areas where the majority of like items are sold, the bill would prohibit the use of any signage with respect to the item that indicates that it is either for girls or for boys.

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The legislation would also require California-based online retailers to have a gender-neutral section on their website offering the same products.

Low said in a statement that “the policy behind this bill is not only important in regards to addressing perceived societal norms but also ensuring that prejudice and judgment does not play a prominent role in our children’s lives. I look forward to working on this issue in the future.” One can only imagine how far the Democrat party is willing to go to destroy our culture and debase it with lunacy and foolishness.

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