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Legitimate Question: How Many Abortions Has Kamala Harris Had?

by | Oct 14, 2024 | News

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Earlier today, I wrote about how Kamala Harris took the pulpit at a North Carolina Church to preach about “doing justice” and “mercy.” Unfortunately, instead of a faithful exegesis of Scripture, what the congregation received was a political sermon from the Vice President.

Harris quoted from Micah 6:8, claiming that her “faith” is about “doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God.” On the surface, it sounds like the kind of thing any professing Christian might say. But the glaring hypocrisy of her words cannot be ignored when we consider what she actually stands for—namely, one of the most radical pro-abortion platforms in U.S. history.

The unelected Democratic presidential candidate, who has consistently supported abortion at every stage, invoked Scripture to support what she portrays as a message of “compassion and justice. But what kind of “justice” is it to champion policies that allow the killing of innocent children in the womb, and possibly outside?

What “mercy” is there in denying the unborn their most basic right to life? Is “mercy” covering up your sins so it won’t interfere with your political ambitions? I can’t say, but the cognitive dissonance is staggering—claiming to love mercy while simultaneously championing the destruction of the most vulnerable among us.

But, this brings us to a deeper and even more troubling question about Harris’s personal rise to power. Many are aware of her long-standing romantic relationship in the 1990s with Willie Brown, an influential California politician. Brown, who was married at the time, appointed Harris to several political positions while their affair was ongoing, directly advancing her career. Brown himself has admitted as much, acknowledging that he helped boost her into politics by placing her into these positions of influence.

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So, we have a Vice President who slept her way into power—there’s no need for speculation when the facts are on the table. The relationship with Brown, a politically powerful man, undoubtedly accelerated Harris’s political career, providing her with key appointments that put her on the path to where she is today.

It is difficult to ignore how this history of personal moral compromise might play a role in Harris’s current political agenda, particularly her radical stance on abortion. Abortion, after all, is used as a method to hide the consequences of personal indiscretions. Yet, we have Evangelical leaders in the American Church who actually support her because Trump, they say, is the immoral one.


When someone rises through the ranks riding on the backs of sexual favors, it should raise legitimate concerns about their broader moral framework and how that might influence their policies. In Harris’s case, her push for unrestricted access to child murder aligns disturbingly well with a worldview that prioritizes personal ambition over ethical boundaries.

Harris’s past affair with Brown not only casts a dark shadow over her moral character but also raises questions about her motivations in pushing such radical pro-abortion policies. Is she driven by a deeply held belief in “reproductive rights,” (hint: nobody is), or is this simply a continuation of her selfish ambition and history of using whatever means necessary to preserve personal and political power?

We know this much—Kamala Harris speaks of “justice” and “mercy” in the same breath as her unyielding support for child sacrifice. But what kind of justice involves the slaughter of innocent children? What kind of mercy turns a blind eye to the defenseless? And what kind of leadership rises to power through moral compromise and continues to advocate for policies that perpetuate further moral degradation?

Perhaps Harris genuinely believes she is standing up for women’s rights. But when someone’s career is built on such shaky moral ground, it’s worth asking if the policies they promote are a reflection of her own personal immorality. Someone should ask her how many abortions she’s had, sleeping her way around from politician to politician, celebrity to celebrity.

Could it be that the very policies Harris advocates—especially her radical pro-abortion agenda—are influenced by her own history of moral compromise?

The evidence of Harris’s personal life is clear. She used her relationship with Willie Brown to advance her career. Brown helped her secure positions of power while their romantic affair was ongoing. This is a fact she cannot escape. And now, as Vice President, she continues to push policies that conveniently align with a worldview that excuses and erases the consequences of moral failure.

So the question remains … Is Kamala Harris pushing her radical pro-abortion agenda as a reflection of her commitment to “justice” and “mercy,” or is it just another chapter in her long history of using whatever means necessary—whether personal or political—to secure her place in power?

I don’t think I need to answer that.

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