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Pro-Life Women Bust Out in Fight With Pro-Aborts, Start Dropping F-Bombs

by | Jul 24, 2023 | Abortion, News, Opinion, Religion, Social-Issues, Video | 0 comments

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I post this here as an example of exactly how NOT to advocate for life at an abortion clinic. As one who has spent many hours in front of abortion clinics preaching the gospel and pleading with mothers not to murder their children, I can readily admit that the temptation to enter into an altercation with these murder-mill escorts can at times be overwhelming. But, if we’re truly regenerated by the Holy Spirit, we must demonstrate the fruits of the spirit—in this particular case, self-control.

However, these people are not Christians, and this demonstrates exactly why the gospel is the key factor in advocating for life. Without the gospel, there is no life—there is only chaos. As demonstrated here by Terrisa Bukovinac, who describes herself on Twitter as “Your friendly neighborhood progressive pro-life atheist,” there is no objective moral claim to defending life or opposing abortion. For her, it comes down to her personal convictions—which could change at any time since her convictions are not grounded in the objective moral standard of God’s law—and ultimately end up damaging the pro-life movement.

That’s exactly what happened on the streets in front of Planned Parenthood in Washington, D.C., as Terissa and her friends got into a cursing brawl, dropping f-bombs, with the pro-aborts. This is exactly what NOT to do as a Christian. Watch (warning, strong language):

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