During the Shepherd’s Conference, John MacArthur had some strong words for churches and pastors who are tolerating homosexuality in the name of pragmatism and winsomeness.
There’s a missing trust. There’s a void in much of the evangelicalism when it comes to conceiving what the power of the word of God really is. I mean, we know what the Bible says. I’m not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation.
So the power is in the text and the truth of the text. But that chapter is so interesting because you can identify as you go through it things that you’re familiar with today, like plagiarism and dreams and inventing your own message.
He even talks about the fact that there’s adultery, there’s a tolerance for evil. There are pastors who don’t want to confront. In fact, in that chapter, the Lord says, you have become like Sodom and Gomorrah.
That’s powerful in our day because there is an escalating tolerance of homosexuality in the evangelical movement today. All predicated on the idea that the power of ministry is in the style of the preacher.
Listen to the entire clip below:

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