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Wow! Epic Scripture-Twisting by SBC President to Paint Pro-Abortion Women as Victims

by | Mar 6, 2023 | Abortion, Feminism, News, Opinion, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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We’ve been arguing that the soft-peddling Southern Baptist establishment is compromised on the issue of abortion. As a matter of fact, it has become the official position of the establishment class of the Southern Baptist Convention that no matter what the circumstances are, women who have abortions, by the very virtue of being a woman, are automatically victims of abortion and have no accountability for the crimes they commit against innocent unborn children.

Last year, prior to the annual meeting, I reported that Southern Baptist Convention Ethics and Religious Liberty (ERLC) president, Brent Leatherwood, signed an open letter to state lawmakers calling on them not to criminalize abortion for the mother.

I then reported prior to his election that Southern Baptist Convention presidential candidate, Bart Barber was making the same argument—that mothers are not responsible for the murder taking place at an abortion clinic.

This is absolutely insane and I never thought I’d see the day when Southern Baptists openly argued on such a wide scale that abortion is an act of murder, but that the only person who has veto power over the murderous act is not responsible for it.

But now, Barber has taken his ungodly position to epic levels of Scripture twisting, even suggesting that 2 Corinthians 4:4 releases her of her culpability because the “god of this world has blinded her” to her crimes.

In a post on Twitter by Wesley Russell, you can hear a pro-abortion activist arguing that girls shouldn’t have to carry the children of their rapists, but then takes it to the extreme logical conclusion of the abortion industry screaming “f*** them kids.”

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This is a clear demonstration that this isn’t about women being victims, it is about pro-abortion God-hating activists fighting to the extreme for their right to practice their religious sacrament in their death cult. And, Southern Baptist Convention president, Bart Barber defends it.

Later in the thread, when tagged, Barber responds by asking the original poster if he believes the woman in this video is a victim. Keep in mind the question isn’t about whether or not a rape victim is the victim (she is), but the question is whether or not these pro-abortion activists yelling “f*** them kids” are victims. Clearly, they are not. But, according to Barber, because of of 2 Corinthians 4:4, they are—or at least, could be.

Of course, this begs the question if this verse would also excuse other criminals. Would Bart Barber use this verse to let the rapist off the hook too? I mean, after all, the god of this world has blinded him too, right? Or, what about a white supremacist who committed murder? Would he let Amaud Arbery’s killers off the hook because the god of this world has blinded them too?

Do you see how illogical and asinine this line of unreasonable reasoning is? Why give a pass to mothers who kill their children? After all, Romans 1:20 says we are all “without excuse.”

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