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PCA and Revoice Pastor Says Gay “Christian” Couples Romantically Loving and Snuggling Together Isn’t Sinful

by | Nov 4, 2022 | Apostasy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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Greg Johnson, the pastor of Memorial Presbyterian Church in St. Louis has been a vocal proponent of the “gay Christianity” movement known as Revoice. Johnson, a homosexual himself, has been instrumental in perpetuating the “gay Christianity” movement within Evangelical churches, particularly within the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).

Johnson made headlines in 2020 when the church hosted an LGBTQ+ transgender art festival in its chapel venue. The church had already been hosting Revoice conferences which featured an apostate view of biblical sexual ethics. But this was, we believe, the first time the church had hosted such a blatant event promoting sexual immorality.

Further making the news, Johnson, appearing on the Cross Politic podcast, told listeners that he was open to holding a pedophile conference at his church and has made it clear that he and his church are all in on the “gay Christianity” movement.

Now, Johnson is telling us that it isn’t sinful for gay Christian couples to live together, love each other romantically, and snuggle together so long as they aren’t having sex.

When asked what the church would recommend to gay couples who are already married, living together, and even have kids, Johnson answered, “If the gay couple, gay family, came to Jesus in my church, my goal would not be to break them apart. In discipleship, the goal would be to de-sexualize the relationship, because the love they have for one another is not the problem. That’s not sinful. The commitment they have for one another is not sin, you know. It’s the sexualization of that.”

“In all honestly, with a lot of gay couples, when they’ve been together for a number of years, there not sexually active. Some are, but a lot aren’t. One guy told me that after the first ten years the sex just got boring. So, his partner, the most they ever do is snuggle in front of the television.”

So, basically, Johnson’s argument here is that after gay couples get bored of having sex with each other, it’s perfectly acceptable for them to continue living in intimate, marriage-like romantic relationships with each other, snuggling on the couch together, hugging, kissing, and whatever else, so long as they stop short of bodily penetration. And this is what’s being taught at a PCA church.

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