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Episcopal Church to Release App to Replace Church With AI Pastors and Present Queer and Feminist Theology

by | Oct 27, 2022 | Feminism, LGBTQ Issues, News, Religion, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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Have you ever just wanted to skip church and have your spiritual needs met with the swipe of your fingers whenever you have time for it? Well, the Episcopal Church has an app for that—or it may soon.

The Episcopal church, like most mainline denominations in America, is completely apostate and has fully embraced the death knell of progressive theology that has led to the severe decline of these denominations. From queer theology to feminism, the Episcopal church takes an “anything goes” approach to “church” yet it has completely abandoned anything resembling biblical Christianity. In fact, the Bible is the only thing this church rejects.

To address the decline in membership without abandoning its commitment to death and destruction, the Episcopal Church is now seeking ways to address its membership. One of those ways it is exploring is through an app that will offer an Artificial Intelligence “pastor” to address their spiritual needs while giving them access to all types of diverse theologies, from queer theology to feminist theology—because nobody has time to actually study theology.

Watch the video below to listen to the Rev. Lorenzo Lebrija of Try Tank explain:

HT/ @WokePreacherTV

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