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“Lutheran” Lady-Pastor Says The Virtues Taught in Proverbs Are Actually About Lesbians Kissing

by | Aug 5, 2022 | Apostasy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Religion, Social-Issues | 0 comments

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The ELCA has become the most anti-Christian “denomination” in all of Christendom. In November of last year, one church ordained a Latino transgender pastor and boasted about being the first to do so. Others deny the existence of Hell. And the denomination actually created an iPhone app that allows children to create and marry LGBTQ characters. Worse, one of its sister churches in Sweden actually placed a blasphemous scene of homosexuals in the Garden of Eden on stage behind the altar. In short, the denomination has long been given over to Satan.

The headline of this article is not satire—this is what this lady actually believes and teaches. Lura Groen, the “pastor” of Abiding Savior Lutheran Church in Columbia, MD, and former “pastor” of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church in Houston, is not a fringe teacher in the ELCA, but has served in high-ranking positions throughout the denomination. In 2019, Groen was elected to the “discipline committee” in the Delaware-Maryland synod and has run with the elite class of other high-ranking officials including the presiding Bishop. She has also taught a class at an ELCA seminary.

Here, Groen publishes on her Facebook page an extravagant twisting of the Scriptures suggesting that the Proverbs are actually about lesbians kissing.

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