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Franklin Graham Says Jesus Would Have Taken the COVID Vaccine

by | Mar 18, 2021 | News, The Church | 0 comments

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The entire pedigree of Billy Graham grifters is notorious for saying outlandish and thoughtless things that contradict what the Scriptures say. Like that time Billy Graham blasphemed God and became a heretic by saying that you don’t ever have to hear the name of Jesus to be saved, and that time Billy Graham’s granddaughter signed the “Evangelicals for Biden” statement and then acted surprised that leftists want to expand access to abortion?

Yeah, those kinds of thoughtless things are what the Grahams are known for.

Now, in another reckless act of perjury against the Scriptures, Billy Graham’s son, Franklin Graham insists that we should take the COVID vaccine because Jesus would have done it too.

“Anytime there was a vaccine or something that could help protect you, he was an advocate for, he took it,” Franklin said of Billy, according to ABC. “I think if there were vaccines available in the time of Christ, Jesus would have made reference to them and used them.”

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One then has to ask the obvious question: would Jesus have been okay with these vaccines that were manufactured using aborted fetal tissue? Would Jesus have jabbed himself with the Johnson & Johnson concoction that actually contains aborted fetal cells that even the Catholic Church has condemned?

But more importantly, why would the God of all creation–who came to Earth and cleansed the leper and healed the blind with his own spit? Let that sink in; what a dumb assertion by Graham.

We are certainly not against modern medicine and we do believe that modern medicine can be a gift from God–after all, we’re not Jesus. But to suggest that Jesus would use a manmade concoction of we-don’t-even-know-what at this point is really ill-advised.

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