Notice how Evangelical Elites are platformed on CNN, MSNBC, WAPO and the NY Times? There is a reason for that. They are trying to destroy you.
The entire purpose of Evangelical Elites like Russell Moore is to suppress Republican voter turnout. And many of these elites have jobs paid by your tithes and offerings. How does that make you feel? It should upset you. These Elites earn large salaries to insult you and work against conservative principles—in other words they help elect Democrats with their anti-GOP rhetoric. That means they are helping the party of abortion and party that persecutes Christians (see: California and John MacArthur, etc.).
Here is a classic example from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Karen Swallow Prior said, “Watching the new footage from the #CapitolInsurrection, my heart is sick. I’m incapable of understanding how any member of @GOP can place party above democracy, order, and human life. Having voted Republican most of my life, I’m also incapable of imagining ever doing so again.”
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Stephen Wolfe, host of Ars Politica podcast, noted the irony in these types of Evangelical Elite comments. He tweeted, “In your defense of democracy, be sure not to make it an idol. As we’re always told, we’re resident aliens in this world; we’re pilgrims passing through. This world, including the US, will burn up. Don’t act out of fear. Etc etc.”