The Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) has officially completed its transformation from a nominally Christian denomination into yet another rubber-stamping committee for the moral revolution. With its latest amendment, enshrining LGBTQIAP+ identities into its Constitution, the PCUSA has removed any last fig leaf of theological credibility, not that it had any left, opting instead for total allegiance to the gods of sexual identity politics.
This was inevitable. Believe it or not, here and there, there did exist at least somewhat remotely faithful PCUSA congregations, but only because it was so difficult to exit the denomination.
But, the PCUSA abandoned biblical fidelity long ago, before my time, trading the authority of Scripture for the latest room-reading of cultural relevance. Their latest move isn’t a radical departure—it’s the logical conclusion of a denomination that has spent decades groveling before every progressive trend that comes along. When you start by compromising, you don’t stop. You accelerate.
The details of this latest capitulation are as absurd as they are tragic. Amendment 24-A rewrites the PCUSA’s governing documents to formally recognize “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” alongside race, ethnicity, and age as protected categories.
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In other words, the denomination has now officially declared that a person’s rejection of God’s created order is not just acceptable—it’s to be celebrated and defended. And any “clergy person” who isn’t on board with the sexual revolution gets the boot.
This is what happens when a church stops following Christ and starts following the world.
And just listen to the way they congratulate themselves for it. Brian Ellison, executive director of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians, gushed that “people of diverse gender identities and sexual orientations have faced a long and difficult journey to be seen and respected in the PCUSA.”
The PCUSA has spent the last 50 years falling over itself to pander to every progressive social cause imaginable. They’re acting like they just smuggled Christians out of first-century Rome when, in reality, they’re just the latest in a long line of elite institutions desperate to prove their loyalty to the new sexual orthodoxy.
Slats Toole, co-moderator of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians, went even further, insisting that in a world where “trans and nonbinary people are often seen as political issues instead of actual humans, it is powerful to see Presbyterians say, ‘We believe that LGBTQIA+ folks are beloved children of God.’”
Of course, nobody ever said they weren’t humans, but they’re definitely not children of God unless they repent and come to Christ—and repentance, in this case, would include leaving the PCUSA.
But what actual, Bible-believing Christians have said is that sexual immorality—heterosexual, homosexual, or otherwise—is sin. But the PCUSA isn’t interested in making that distinction. They’d rather score points with the progressive left than uphold even the most basic tenets of Christian morality.
And then there’s the Reverend TJ Remaley, who called this amendment a “prophetic and necessary step.” Prophetic? Prophets call people to repentance, not affirmation.
John the Baptist didn’t show up in the wilderness to tell Herod, “You do you, King. Love is love.” No, he called out his sin—publicly and directly. And what did it cost him? His head.
That’s what real prophecy looks like. It looks like standing firm on God’s truth even when it costs you everything. What the PCUSA is doing is the exact opposite. It’s not prophetic—it’s pathetic.
But let’s not pretend this we didn’t know this was coming. The PCUSA has been in full theological collapse for decades. This is the same denomination that has systematically stripped its confessions of any real biblical authority, the same one that has embraced universalism, radical feminism, and every progressive cause imaginable while hemorrhaging members by the hundreds of thousands.
And yet, instead of asking themselves whether maybe—just maybe—they’re losing members because they’ve completely abandoned the gospel, they double down on their downward spiral, congratulating themselves as they march toward irrelevance.
It’s also worth noting what’s missing from all of this self-congratulatory nonsense…any actual reference to the authority of God. They aren’t arguing from the Bible because they know they can’t. No one in the PCUSA leadership is sitting down with Romans 1, 1 Corinthians 6, or Genesis 1 and walking through why the church should embrace this. Because they know Scripture stands in direct contradiction to their agenda. So, instead, they rely on emotional appeals and progressive buzzwords. It’s all about “equity,” “justice,” and “full inclusion.” But it’s never about obedience to Christ.
And let’s not overlook the symbolism of the date—this amendment takes effect on July 4, 2025—Independence Day. The irony is almost too much. The PCUSA is celebrating its “freedom” from biblical authority on the very day America celebrates its independence. But here’s the truth. This is not freedom. It’s bondage—to sin, to the world, and ultimately to spiritual destruction.
Of course, there will be those who say, “Well, if you don’t like it, just leave.” And that’s exactly what’s been happening. Hundreds of churches have already fled the PCUSA for the EPC, the PCA, or other denominations that haven’t lost their minds. And make no mistake—this exodus will continue. What’s left of the PCUSA in a decade will be nothing more than a glorified social justice club with a cross slapped on the front. And that itself will be blasphemy.
The tragedy here isn’t just that the PCUSA has fallen—it’s that it was once upon a lifetime ago a somewhat faithful church. It once preached the gospel. It once sent missionaries. It once held to the authority of God’s Word.
But now, it stands as a warning—a case study in what happens when a church decides it would rather chase the fleeting pleasures of the world. The PCUSA has now written its rebellion into its governing documents, ensuring that future generations will look back on this moment as the point of no return.
They have chosen the world over the Word. And they will reap what they have sown.