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The New Slave Trade: How Democrats Want to Build America on the Backs of an Underclass

by | Mar 13, 2025 | News

They arrive in droves, packed in by the thousands, many having traveled under conditions so wretched they barely survived the journey. They were promised a better life, a new future, a land where they could finally be free. Instead, they are greeted with exploitation, with abuse, with wages so low they might as well be indentured servants.

Their labor becomes the backbone of an economy that thrives on their suffering. They are worked to exhaustion, kept in poverty, given just enough to survive but never enough to rise. The people who profit off them—the wealthy, the political elite—sing songs of justice and equality while ensuring that this underclass remains exactly where they need them: obedient, dependent, and too desperate to protest.

America was built on the backs of slaves, they say. And they’re not wrong.

But you probably think I’m talking about American Chattel Slavery, don’t you?

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I’m not.

I’m talking about the modern-day slave trade the Democrat Party and their open-borders fanatics are running right under our noses.

The leftist ruling class, the same people who will bend over backward to condemn America’s past sins, are the ones orchestrating the very same system today—just with a different name and a different color of chains.

They claim moral superiority over the past while actively creating the conditions for a new era of exploitation. They need an underclass. They thrive on it. And instead of ships packed with chained men and women, they have caravans marching toward the border, guided by the promise of a better life, only to be thrust into the exact system Democrats pretend to abhor.

Low wages. No legal protections. No pathway to upward mobility. No real future. Just servitude in a system designed to extract every ounce of value from them before spitting them out.

And what do they tell us?

“We need workers.”

Yes, the same line the white plantation owners once used to justify their dependence on slave labor. The same line the ruling elite have always used to prop up their wealth at the expense of others. The same justification that made America’s past sins possible—repackaged, rebranded, and rolled out under the banner of “compassion.”

And let’s talk about the hypocrisy of their so-called thought leaders—especially the “church” leaders, like Thabiti Anyabwile or The Gospel Coalition’s Jared Wilson. They will waste no opportunity to dredge up the past of dead men like George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards, even questioning their very salvation for their entanglement with slavery.

And yet, where are their righteous fury when the same Democratic Party—whose altar they kneel before—is enslaving an entirely new people group today? Where are their demands for repentance from the politicians opening the floodgates for cartels and corporations to feast on the flesh of these desperate people?

These people sneer at the very thought of honoring historic men who, despite their flaws, faithfully proclaimed the gospel—but they turn a blind eye to modern-day slave traders operating under the guise of border “compassion”? They whine about America’s past sins while cheering on the policies that replicate them in real time.

The progressive class knows this isn’t about justice. It’s about control.

A permanent underclass means permanent power. It means a disposable labor force that can’t demand raises, can’t vote (yet), can’t challenge the system.

It also means keeping wages down for the corporate elite while simultaneously ensuring there’s a fresh crop of dependents who will one day be handed a voter registration card and told which political party made it all possible—once they are allowed to vote, they will be casting their vote for their Democrat masters.

But the Democrats will tell you they’re the champions of the poor, the defenders of the marginalized. But in reality, they are the overseers of a modern plantation.

And here’s the sickest part of it all…they know it.

They know exactly what they’re doing. They just don’t care. Because the moment you see through the illusion, the entire scam collapses.

So the next time one of these frauds stands at a podium, wringing their hands over “historical oppression”—ask them why they’re fighting to recreate it. Ask them why they’re importing a slave class while decrying the one that came before. Ask them why they still believe in the same core principle that built the old plantations—that America must always be built on the backs of the powerless.

They have no answer. Because there isn’t one.

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