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The Democrat’s Quest for the Souls of Children and What the Bible Says About It

by | Oct 8, 2024 | News

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As a father of four myself, I know firsthand how precious and vulnerable our children are—children truly are our future. God has entrusted us with the immense responsibility of raising, protecting, and preparing them for the real world. This isn’t just a suggestion or a nice idea—it’s a command, deeply rooted in the nature of God the Father Himself.

Proverbs 22:6 tells us to “train up a child in the way he should go,” and we are called to guard their hearts, minds, and souls against the perversions of this fallen world. In today’s culture, this divine commission is being challenged like never before as dangerous ideologies are being shoved into our children’s minds from every corner all under the guise of “progress.”

As we survey the political climate and approach election season, it’s easy to dismiss the two-party political system as broken and ultimately a failure. It is. But there is still a reality that we must face—while both sides are corrupt, given to the demands of culture, the Democrat agenda is no longer just a political platform—it has become a full-blown crusade to capture the souls of children through the LGBTQ movement.

Everyone knows that this movement has nothing to do with “inclusivity” or “tolerance” or “equality.” It’s about reshaping the next generation’s morality, identity, and relationship with their parents.

The ultimate goal? A generation—mentally and spiritually raped by radical leftists—divorced from God, alienated from their families, and entirely indoctrinated by the state’s perverted values. Don’t believe me? Let’s examine what they’re doing and how they’re doing it.

First, let’s look at the sexualization of children through school curriculums. Democrats have been aggressively pushing to include graphic sexual content in education—content so explicit it would make most adults uncomfortable.

We’re not talking about a simple anatomy lesson. We’re talking about pornographic materials, disguised as “sex education,” being presented to children as young as kindergarten. In some places, this includes lessons on “gender identity” and sexual orientation, often without parental consent or even knowledge.

Take New Jersey’s sex-ed standards, for instance, which require schools to teach children about gender identity by the time they’re seven years old. Seven. These are kids who barely know how to tie their shoes, and yet the party of death wants them to question whether they’re a boy or a girl.

What’s next on the agenda? Medical interventions. The Democrat-controlled states have made it easier for minors to access life-altering puberty blockers and hormone treatments—again, without parental consent.

California and Washington State have even passed legislation that allows minors to receive these treatments without their parents’ knowledge, and in some cases, can even take children away from parents who refuse to “affirm” their child’s new gender identity. Think about that for a moment. The government can remove a child from their family because a parent refuses to endorse irreversible medical treatments based on a feeling their child has.

In Oregon, children as young as 15 can undergo sex-change operations without needing parental approval. The state is not just undermining the family unit—it’s obliterating it.

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Democrats have paved the way for school and state-sponsored counselors and therapists to push “gender-affirming” indoctrination while silencing anyone who might suggest that a child’s gender confusion could be a phase or that maybe—just maybe—they’re not actually trapped in the wrong body. In fact, states like New York have made it illegal for licensed counselors to offer any alternative viewpoint, branding it as “conversion therapy” and labeling it as “dangerous.”

In this warped reality, it’s okay for a child to say they want to be the opposite gender, but it’s illegal for a counselor to help them feel comfortable in the body God gave them.

Meanwhile, Democrats are working overtime to eliminate the influence of religion on children, particularly Christianity. In many places, students are encouraged—no, pushed—to embrace secularism and atheism under the guise of “tolerance.” Children are taught that Christian beliefs about sex, gender, and family are “outdated and bigoted.”

In New York, a guidance counselor was suspended for simply sharing her Christian views on transgenderism. Across the country, schools are cracking down on students who speak out against this madness, even as the First Amendment crumbles under the weight of political correctness.

Now, if you think this is all an overstatement, just look around you. In Texas, a father was involved in a lengthy legal battle because his ex-wife was determined to transition their son into a girl, despite the father’s objections. Democrats championed this case, advocating for the mother’s right to force hormone blockers on her son—even though the father was desperately trying to protect his child from these irreversible procedures. What kind of world are we living in where a father is villainized for wanting to protect his son from mutilation?

These are not isolated incidents. This is a systemic, coordinated effort by the Marxist left to tear down the family structure and replace it with state-sponsored propaganda. The message is clear, the state knows best, not the parents, and certainly not God.

What’s happening to parental rights? They’re being shredded, burned, and stomped out in the name of “progress.”

But here’s the deeper issue—this entire movement is wicked at its core. It’s not just about political power, it’s about leading children away from God. But God’s word is crystal clear on these things and there is no doubt how God views those who harm these children.

In Genesis 1:27, God created mankind in His own image: male and female. That is not God’s subjective opinion or even merely his desired outcome. It’s a fact, rooted in His nature and character. Yet, the left, even those who claim to be Christian (they aren’t) want to obliterate this foundation, teaching children that they can define their own gender, their own truth, and, ultimately, their own god.

Scripture warns us about this kind of deception. Jesus Himself said in Matthew 18:6:

“But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.”

What leftists are doing is leading children into sin. They are sowing confusion where there should be clarity, and chaos where there should be peace. They are preying on the most vulnerable—children who are not equipped to understand the gravity of what is being thrust upon them.

So, what does this say about those who support the Democrat party? To vote for Democrats in the face of this evil is to become complicit in their wickedness. There’s no middle ground here. You can’t claim to be a Christian and turn a blind eye to the destruction of the family and the sexual exploitation of children.

You can’t claim to believe in the sanctity of life while supporting a party that seeks to mutilate it.

You can’t serve two masters.

And yet, there are so-called Christians who defend their vote for Democrats. They argue that they’re voting for economic policy or healthcare reform—or that they’re merely voting against an immoral candidate—as if these things can somehow eclipse the moral atrocities being committed.

It’s like trying to justify voting for Herod because you like his wealth redistribution plan while ignoring the fact that he’s slaughtering infants. It’s crazy. The truth is, a vote for the Democrat party is a vote against God’s design, a vote against the family, and a vote against children’s well-being. There’s no amount of mental gymnastics that can change that reality.

Sure, the Republicans are compromised. They’re fallen, many given over to the cause of the culture. But the case against the Democrat party is overwhelming. It’s not just their stance on transgenderism. It’s their pro-abortion policies, their attacks on religious liberty, their push for socialism, and their outright rejection of biblical principles.

To vote for them is to align yourself with a party that has chosen to rebel against God in every conceivable way.

In the end, supporting the Democrats isn’t a benign political choice without real consequences—it’s a spiritual one that reflects the state of one’s soul. It’s a declaration of where you stand in the battle between good and evil. And let’s be clear—the Bible leaves no room for ambiguity on this matter.

To support a party that seeks to corrupt the innocence of children and wage war on God’s design is nothing short of Hell’s manifestation on earth. If you call yourself a Christian, you cannot, in good conscience, support or vote for the Democrat party. It’s time to stop playing games and call this what it is—evil.

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