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Judge at Black Baptist Convention Calls for Racially Motivated Violence, Says Voting Kamala Will “Glorify God”

by | Sep 17, 2024 | News

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The National Baptist Convention of America (NBCA) is one of the largest black religious organizations in the country, often hosting annual gatherings that draw prominent speakers. This year, Louisiana appeals court judge Sharon Wilson took the stage and delivered, unsurprisingly, an inflammatory and politically charged race-baiting speech.

Wilson accused Donald Trump of harboring racist motivations and claimed his criticism of Haitian immigrants stemmed from his supposed anger over the Haitian Revolution—an event over 230 years old. Even I was dumbfounded by the sheer stupidity of that claim. The leap in logic here would be laughable if it weren’t so reckless.

She then suggested that it would take a black person to “chop off the head of the racist in this country,” clearly referring to Trump. To top it off, she proclaimed that supporting Kamala Harris in the election was a way to “glorify God.”

First off, these far-left clowns will always be the first to cry foul when Republicans or conservatives preach politics from the pulpit. But when a sitting judge openly calls for a racially motivated “chopping off” of someone’s head, it should raise alarm bells. Of course, this happened just days before Trump’s second assassination attempt.

This isn’t some fringe figure shouting from the sidelines—this is a prominent judge who holds a position of power in the legal system. She has the power to decide whether or not someone spends the rest of their lives behind bars, and clearly, she is racially motivated. Her inflammatory remarks aren’t just irresponsible, they’re dangerous. She’s essentially invoking race and violence in a political critique of Trump, all while distorting history in the most ludicrous way.

Even more astonishing is Wilson’s attempt to blend this racial tirade with a theological twist. By framing a vote for Kamala Harris as somehow “glorifying God,” Wilson steps into completely delusional thinking. What does she believe? That heaven’s gates are being held open by the Democratic National Committee? That salvation itself now hinges on casting a vote for Kamala Harris? This is nothing more than a cynical manipulation of Christian beliefs for political gain.

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Wilson’s hypocrisy is undeniable. Here she is, condemning “racism” while simultaneously advocating for violent, racially motivated action against a political figure. It’s the textbook definition of doublespeak—claiming to fight injustice while promoting it in another form. And all this from a judge, someone who is supposed to represent fairness and impartiality. What does it say about her credibility, or rather, the lack thereof?


Judge at Black Baptist Convention Calls for Racially Motivated Violence, Says Voting Kamala Will “Glorify God”

– Jeff

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