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Preston Sprinkle Assembles LGBTQ and Other Woke Activists to Release New Study Bible

by | Sep 10, 2024 | Abortion, Apostasy, DEI, heresy, News, Opinion, Politics, Racialism, Religion, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church, US, Video

Today’s the day, folks! Preston Sprinkle, the theologian extraordinaire of the pro-LGBTQ leftist evangelical machine, founder of the Center for Faith, Sexuality, and Gender, and one of the original board members of Revoice, is back with his latest attempt to completely undermine biblical orthodoxy.

In an email newsletter sent out today, Sprinkle announces the release of The Upside Down Kingdom Study Bible, a project that reeks of theological compromise and cultural pandering.

Now, let’s take a moment to let that sink in. Preston Sprinkle—whose claim to fame is normalizing homosexuality, transgenderism, and other aberrant sexuality within the Church—is the general editor of a Study Bible. That alone should tell you everything you need to know about the theological disaster waiting to unfold.

But don’t worry, he didn’t go at it alone. No, he’s assembled an all-star cast of progressive voices like Derwin Gray, Rebecca McLaughlin, Michael Bird, Lynn Cohick, Francis Chan, Rachel Gilson, Jemar Tisby, Greg Coles, and the dynamic duo of theological confusion, John and Lisa Bevere.

Oh, and let’s not forget the late Ron Sider, because nothing says solid biblical interpretation like a socialist-leaning activist masquerading as a Christian leader.

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So, what exactly is this new “study Bible” about?

Well, according to Sprinkle, the notes focus on applying Scripture to social, cultural, and political issues. You know, the things progressives love to twist to fit their ever-evolving moral standards.

Apparently, you’ll find notes addressing everything from science and the Bible (because why not inject secularist interpretations into the Word of God?) to hot-button issues like race, abortion, and immigration.

Yes, these are the people Sprinkle has chosen to give you insight on what Scripture really means. You see, when the Bible says, “In the beginning God created…” what it actually means is, “In the beginning, God created wokeness.”

So, who exactly are these “scholars” Sprinkle has assembled, and why should anyone trust them to interpret Scripture?

First up, Derwin Gray, the former NFL player turned pastor, who never misses an opportunity to virtue signal on racial issues. This guy thinks the biggest threat to the Church is systemic racism—forget about sin and hell, folks, what we really need is more diversity quotas—and more Beth Moore—in the pulpit.

Then we have Rebecca McLaughlin, the LGBTQ-affirming intellectual darling of The Gospel-less Communists (aka TGC), who says she’s still attracted to women and that white people must repent of the racism their grandparents committed. Yeah, she’s definitely someone you want writing study notes on “sexuality and gender”.

And of course, we can’t forget Michael Bird and Lynn Cohick—both of whom have made careers out of pushing egalitarianism and progressive theology. Nothing says “sound biblical scholarship” like rewriting the roles of men and women in the Church to fit the latest feminist trends.

We’ve also got Francis Chan, who’s been on a downward spiral of theological confusion for years now. Chan once stood for something resembling orthodoxy, but these days he’s buddying up with anyone and everyone who embraces the heretical mishmash of prosperity gospel, social justice, and charismatic chaos​. The man is like theological tofu—he just absorbs whatever flavor you put him next to.

And then there’s Jemar Tisby, the race-baiting woke theologian who never misses an opportunity to accuse the Church of being systemically racist. His gospel is not the gospel of Christ—it’s the gospel of Critical Race Theory. According to Tisby, salvation isn’t about repentance and faith in Christ—it’s about checking your privilege and paying reparations.

Oh, and according to Tisby, churches are no different from the KKK because they have Bibles and American flags. But apparently, having the new progressive upside-down Bible will fix that problem.

Greg Coles and Rachel Gilson? More of the same. LGBTQ “side B”-affirming “Christians” who spend most of their time advocating for “gay celibate relationships.” If you’re looking for sound, biblical teaching on sexuality, these are definitely the last people you’d turn to​. Gilson reminds us that you can be sexually attracted to potted plants and still be a Christian.

Oh, and let’s not forget the Bevere circus. John and Lisa Bevere, the power couple of charismatic confusion, are always eager to mix self-help platitudes with outlandish spiritual experiences. Theologically, they’re like a bag of Skittles—brightly colored, sugary, and ultimately devoid of any real substance.

And just when you thought it couldn’t get worse, Sprinkle brings in the late Ron Sider—the ERLC fellow who spent his life advocating for a Christianized version of socialism, even comparing abortion to “climate change.”

And don’t be fooled by Sprinkle’s talk of “grace.” When progressives talk about grace, they don’t mean the grace of God that calls sinners to repentance and faith. They mean grace as in “accept everyone’s sin, affirm their lifestyle, and never mention judgment, hell, or God’s holiness.” Sprinkle’s version of grace is a Trojan horse for moral compromise—soft, spineless, and devoid of truth​.

So, what should we expect from The Upside Down Kingdom Study Bible? Based on the cast of contributors, it’s safe to say this will be a guide to understanding the Bible through the lens of progressive ideology.

Do you all think my speculation is right? Or do you think this will be some super-solid exegetical tool we should all add to our collections?

Do you think their Study Bible will be a book about the gospel, sin, salvation, and the glory of God? Or will it be a manual for social justice activism, LGBTQ affirmation, and wealth redistribution?

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