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Christianity Today Editor Urges Parents to Ship Children Off to Public School Indoctrination Camps

by | Sep 10, 2024 | Abortion, Apostasy, DEI, LGBTQ Issues, News, Opinion, Politics, Racialism, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, US

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Stefani McDade, a cronie of Russell Moore—both of whom seem to have taken up residence as thought-leaders in leftist Christianity—has been named the “theology editor” at Christianity Today. Yes, that Christianity Today—once a respectable outlet for serious Christians but now a glorified progressive mouthpiece masquerading as a platform for the faithful.

McDade recently published an article and then took to Twitter/X to endorse one of the most foolish, irresponsible ideas a professing Christian could have, shipping your children off to public schools.

In her tweet, she equates public schools with “strength training” for children’s faith, urging parents to let their kids “wrestle” with worldly counter-narratives while under their care.

A lovely sentiment, no?

But let’s be real—this is about as well-thought-out as sending lambs into a den of wolves and calling it “strength training” for the lambs. McDade, and her ilk—people like Russell Moore, David French, Mike Cosper, and every other wolf in sheep’s clothing trying to convince Christians that their kids need exposure to secular indoctrination camps—are deeply confused at best, and dangerous at worst.

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McDade’s tweet reeks of the same soft-minded, progressive theology that has infected so much of the church today. “Let them wrestle with worldly counter-narratives,” she says. Right. Because five-year-olds are just so adept at dismantling the deeply insidious ideologies being fed to them by the pervs that man the classrooms.

These children walk into these rainbow-splattered classrooms with leftist propaganda hanging all over the place and are enamored by the deceptive image it portrays. To Kindergarten children, rainbows are pretty and attractive—but to the purple-haired trans-woman in the classroom, it means “I’m queer, that’s normal, and celebrate it with me.”

These aren’t “counter-narratives,” Stefani. They’re full-on indoctrinations—an all-out assault on Christianity—and simple decency, for that matter—aimed directly at children and undermining the very faith she claims to care about. But hey, at least your kids will learn how to color inside the lines while they’re being brainwashed.

Of course, McDade drags out John 17:15 to justify her nonsense. Jesus’ prayer, she argues, shows that Christians are meant to stay in the world but be kept from the evil one. Yes, because what Jesus really meant was, “Hey, make sure your toddlers go toe-to-toe with militant Marxist ideologues, radical gender activists, and teachers who think CRT is a sacrament.”

McDade is grossly out of her depth here—Jesus’ prayer was for His disciples, mature believers who were being sent into the world as the light of the gospel. He wasn’t talking about children—He wasn’t commissioning your six-year-old to be a missionary in the second-grade classroom where pronouns and gender fluidity are discussed more than arithmetic.

The irony, of course, is that the very adults McDade is preaching to—the very ones she expects to buy into her ridiculous idea—can barely defend their own faith against these ideologies. Let’s not kid ourselves. The LGBTQ movement, transgender theory, Marxist underpinnings in education, racial ideologies, the pro-abortion movement—most Christian adults can’t even muster a coherent response to these tidal waves of godless thinking. So what, exactly, makes McDade think a child is prepared to engage these demonic ideologies with any success?

Imagine strapping a backpack onto your child, giving them a pat on the head, and saying, “Good luck in the Marxist gulag, sweetie. Wrestle with those counter-narratives!”

It’s lunacy.

And yet, that’s precisely what McDade is advocating—except, of course, she dresses it up with all sorts of progressive, high-sounding nonsense about “wrestling” and “strength training.” In reality, it’s child sacrifice—only instead of fire and idols, it’s a classroom filled with secular humanism and rainbow flags.

Let’s not miss the broader agenda here. McDade, Moore, French, and the rest of the progressive Christian cabal are hell-bent on deconstructing the biblical family. And why not start with the most vulnerable?

Why not convince parents that the best way to “protect” their children is to expose them to the very ideologies that seek to destroy the gospel? Why not push the idea that “protecting” children is actually a form of cowardice, and real faith means throwing them into the lion’s den and calling it “discipleship”?

It’s a bait-and-switch tactic designed to groom the next generation of leftist Christians—people who have just enough faith to keep them feeling spiritual but not enough to oppose the world.

In the end, McDade’s suggestion isn’t just wrong-headed—it’s a full-blown disaster waiting to happen. Public schools today aren’t the neutral grounds she pretends they are. They are war training camps of radical secularism, dedicated to indoctrinating children in every godless ideology under the sun.

We aren’t talking about simply learning to “coexist” with non-believers. We’re talking about a full-frontal assault on the very concept of truth, all under the guise of “education.”

If McDade truly cared about the gospel—or children—she wouldn’t be shipping them off to these indoctrination centers. She’d be sounding the alarm, warning parents of the very real dangers that await their kids in these schools.

Instead, she plays right into the leftist playbook, offering up Christian children on the altar of inclusivity, equity, and tolerance, all while quoting Scripture. It’s as dishonest as it is dangerous.

The reality is that sending your children to public school is not “strength training”—it’s spiritual suicide. And Stefani McDade, with her bent for “progress,” is little more than a wolf in sheep’s clothing, trying to convince you that the wolves in the public school system are really just fluffy little puppies who want to help your kids grow in faith.

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