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With Bad and Worse Options, How Should Christians Think About Voting in This Climate?

by | Sep 4, 2024 | Abortion, Blog, News, Opinion, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, US, Video

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The tightrope we conservatives are forced to walk these days is starting to feel more like a razor’s edge—painful, precarious, and sometimes downright unbearable. On the one hand, we have a GOP that can’t seem to muster the backbone to stand firm on one of the most crucial moral issues of our time: the sanctity of life. On the other, we have the Democratic Party—a political juggernaut of moral decay, soon to be led by the likes of KKKamala Harris, whose hypocrisy, deceit, and incompetence would be laughable if it weren’t so dangerous.

The dilemma we face is real, and I feel it as much as anyone.

Donald Trump, despite his supposed achievements, has disappointed many of us with his compromise on abortion. How is it that the party that once stood as a strong defense for life has managed to fumble on this most basic of issues?

To put it simply—Trump caved to the pressure. And there is no sugar-coating that. Yet, despite his compromises, we’re still left in a bind. We cannot, in good conscience, hand the reigns over to a party that celebrates death, puts kids into the hands of perverts, demands conformity, and threatens every last freedom we hold dear.

So what do we do? Do we sit it out, punish the GOP for its spinelessness, and watch the Democrats dance on the ashes of our liberties? Or do we hold our noses and vote for the lesser of two evils, praying for a few more years of relative freedom?

The very thought of KKKamala as president should send a chill down the spine of every freedom-loving American. Harris, the queen of hypocrisy, will preach about rights and justice from one side of her mouth while tearing them down with the other. Remember that 2019 interview with CNN? When she railed against social media platforms for “directly speaking to millions of people without any level of oversight and regulation”?

Don’t remember? Watch:

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KKKamala says she will shutdown Twitter/X if she is elected.

– Jeff

Read on Substack

If you didn’t quite get that, allow me to translate it for you: if social media companies, namely X, don’t toe the line—her line—they will be shut down. That’s Kamala Harris in a nutshell, smiling while she sharpens the knife.

So then, what would a vote for Kamala Harris mean for us? What would it mean for our children? Our speech, our religious liberties—freedoms that have been fought for and protected by generations of Americans—would crumble faster than the dignity of her press conferences.

This is the same woman who, with a straight face, claims to stand for “justice” while championing policies that butcher the unborn and muzzle dissent. The same woman who put countless black men in prison for smoking marijuana then laughed when asked if she ever smoked any. This is not just a political choice—we’re in a relentless war for future of our nation.

But, some within our ranks say we deserve this. That perhaps we are under divine judgment for allowing things to slip this far in the first place. After all, Romans 1 is clear that God’s wrath is poured out on a people who abandon Him. And maybe, in part, they’re right. Maybe we’ve grown complacent. Maybe we’ve looked the other way as moral corruption seeped into every corner of our culture, allowing politicians to compromise at every turn. And now, we’re paying the price.

But there’s always an even darker side. Handing power to the likes of Harris and her progressive cronies would not just be a form of punishment—and I know this has been repeated to death, but it becomes more true every election cycle—it could very well be the final nail in the coffin.

If we allow the wolves into the henhouse, how much longer do we expect to keep fighting the good fight? Abortion is just the tip of the iceberg. The entire progressive platform is an assault on life, liberty, and, dare I say it, the pursuit of happiness. But also, and more importantly, the pursuit of righteousness.

And no, I’m not talking about the cheap, self-serving happiness they preach from their podiums—I’m talking about the joy of living in a country where you can still proclaim the gospel freely, raise your children without fear of indoctrination, and worship God without the looming threat of government interference.

Yes, we know the promises of God are sure. His remnant will remain, the gospel will go forth, and the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church. But don’t for one second think that a Harris administration wouldn’t make our mission harder. In fact, the Democrat party’s entire mission is to undermine the mission of the Church. Just look at their platform, it reads like the antithesis to the Ten Commandments.

Imagine trying to proclaim the gospel under a regime that actively undermines religious liberty, censors free speech, and labels biblical truth as “hate speech.” The Church will survive, no doubt—but at what cost?

And so, here we are, caught in a moral quagmire. If your conscience won’t allow you to vote for Trump because of his compromises, I get it. I really do. We should expect better from our leaders. But let me be blunt—if you actively cast a vote for the Democrat Party, for the platform they stand on, for Kamala Harris and her ilk—you will not escape judgment for it. You can’t claim ignorance. You can’t plead innocence. The platform of death, the platform of tyranny, the platform that mocks everything you claim to stand for—you will be complicit.

Here’s the hard truth. Our vote is not just a political action—it’s a moral one, and should be grounded and informed by our faith. Our political ideology should be a reflection of our theology. And as much as I wish we had a candidate who embodied the strong convictions and moral clarity we so desperately need, that’s not our reality.

We’re left with imperfect, drastically imperfect, choices. But make no mistake—the consequences of inaction, or worse, of action in favor of the Democrats, are dire. They are playing the long game, and they are winning. They’ve got the schools, the media, and soon enough, they’ll have the entire judicial system stacked in their favor if we allow it.

I don’t like that it has to be this way. I wish we could storm the ballot box with candidates who are as determined in their convictions as we are. But those leaders are few and far between, and until that day comes, we’re stuck with bad and worse options.

And as much as I hate it, the only viable path forward is to vote in a way that staves off the full onslaught of progressivism. We don’t have the luxury of throwing in the towel—not yet. To do so would be to hand over the keys to Kamala Harris and her band of radical ideologues, and once they have control, getting it back will be near impossible.

So, I would urge you to vote, not out of compulsion or fear of judgment. We vote not because it’s easy or because we love our options, but because we recognize the stakes. We vote because we care about the future of our country, the freedom of the Church, and the lives of the unborn. We vote because the alternative—a Harris presidency—is too catastrophic to even consider. In this battle, every vote is a weapon, and every weapon counts.

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