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The Rise of Statism in the Evangelical Church

by | Feb 8, 2023 | News | 0 comments

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The growing threat of statism within the Church is a matter of immense concern in today’s society. This dangerous political ideology holds the state as the supreme authority, promoting state-sponsored secularism that allows religious practices but forbids any influence on state policies. As a result, we often see restrictions on religious worship, proselytism, and public practices, which can drive religious communities, particularly Christianity, underground.

Statism is not a new concept, with a long history in Communist nations such as the former Soviet Union, China, North Korea, and Cuba. However, it is becoming alarmingly prevalent in Western nations, including the United States and Europe, where we see the state imposing its will upon the people and violating the conscience of individuals for the so-called “common good”.

In ancient Rome, Caesar was worshipped as a god, and the Roman Catholic Church, with its papal worship and state headship, continues to embody this form of statism. In modern-day China, Christianity is banned and suppressed. In Russia, atheism and secularism were indoctrinated into the nation’s schools. The COVID-19 pandemic in the United States has also seen the rise of statism, with state mandates for worship restrictions, masks, and vaccines, disregarding religious objections and beliefs.

The Church has always been a bastion of religious freedom and the protection of conscience, standing as a barrier against external threats to these vital principles. However, in recent years, we have seen a concerning shift in the Church’s stance on government regulation of personal lives and religious beliefs. Many prominent Evangelical leaders, including Ed Stetzer, Russell Moore, and Tim Keller, have come out in support of government regulations over religious freedom, encouraging Christians to ignore their consciences and blindly obey state mandates. This represents a betrayal of the Church’s traditional stance on religious freedom and conscience, and undermines the very foundation of a free and democratic society.

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Tim Keller’s recent comparison of Francis Collins, the former head of the NIH who was responsible for much of the government’s COVID policy, to the prophet Daniel is particularly disturbing. Collins is known for his pro-abortion and pro-LGBTQ views, and Keller’s suggestion that Christians should blindly follow government mandates, even when they conflict with their religious beliefs and values, represents a fundamental departure from the Church’s traditional stance on religious freedom and conscience.

The rise of statism within the Church is a threat that cannot be ignored. This dangerous trend prioritizes the state above all else, promoting state-sponsored secularism, restrictions on religious freedom, and violating conscience. It is a trend that must be opposed by the Church, which must stand as a steadfast defender of religious freedom and the protection of conscience for all. We must resist this threat, as our faith and our freedoms depend on it.

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