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“No Peace With Progressives” Should Be the New Rallying Cry of the Church

by | Aug 24, 2024 | Apostasy, heresy, News, Opinion, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, US, Video

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During the Protestant Reformation, the cry “No Peace with Rome” echoed like a thunderclap across Europe, a bold declaration by those who refused to compromise with the corruption and heresy festering within the Roman Catholic Church. The reformers knew that to align with an institution so deeply mired in error was to betray the very gospel itself. They stood firm, unwilling to bow to the pressures of a false unity that demanded silence in the face of heresy.

Today, Christians stand at a similar crossroads, confronted with a new Rome—this time, it’s not a church steeped in medieval ritualism, but a modern, insidious force dressed in the guise of progressivism. Whether it’s Roman Catholic politicians like Joe Biden or Nancy Pelosi, who wear their faith like a cheap political prop, or leftist agitators masquerading as Evangelical pastors—David Platt, Matt Chandler, Thabiti Anyabwile—the left has become the new papal power, advancing an agenda that is nothing less than a declaration of war against God Himself.

In fact, according to some of them, refusing to seek unity with them is “political idolatry.

The left, the progressives, the Democrat Party—call them what you will—they are all bound by a singular, unholy creed: opposition to God. Just as the reformers had no peace with the papal powers of their time, we, as true believers, can have no peace with the left and those who have infiltrated the church to push their godless ideology. The time for complacency has passed. The time for unity with the enemies of God is over.

It’s all too easy to be seduced by the seductive song of “unity” that these wolves in sheep’s clothing sing so sweetly. These pastors, politicians, and pundits, whose very names have become synonymous with the poison of progressivism, are quick to condemn violence—so long as it fits their carefully crafted narrative. Whether it’s a school shooting, an assassination attempt, or “January 6,” they’ll raise their voices in righteous indignation—if it serves their narrative.

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But don’t be fooled by their hollow rhetoric. These are the same people who turn a blind eye to the slaughter of innocent children in the womb, who cheer as rioters burn our cities to the ground, who remain silent as white children are targeted by racist mobs in public schools.

Their hypocrisy is both blatant and nauseating.

The truth is, their underlying worldview is a cancer, eating away at the very foundation of everything God, His Church, and His creation stand for. They talk of peace, of reconciliation, but beneath the surface, they are diligently working to dismantle the mission of the Church and wreak havoc in society. They are the architects of chaos, sowing discord while they preach harmony.

For the better part of the last decade, these leftists have been fanning the flames of division and violence, all while donning the mantle of unity. Their strategy is as transparent as it is malicious—create a culture of fear by perpetuating lies about those who dare to stand for truth. They label us with their favorite buzzwords—”Nazis,” “white supremacists,” “anti-choice”—not as casual insults, but as deliberate weapons of war, designed to gaslight the right and recast us as the villains in their twisted narrative.

They want you to believe that standing for life, for biblical truth, for the principles of limited government, somehow marks you as a monster. But this is no mere misunderstanding—it is a calculated attempt to incite hatred and violence against anyone who dares oppose their radical agenda. They seek to turn the world upside down, to call evil good and good evil, to make darkness the new light.

And our church leaders want us to seek “unity” and “common ground” with them.

But we are called to stand against this tide of wickedness, to declare, as the reformers did: No peace with Rome—no peace with progressives.

In this war, there can be no compromise, no surrender.

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