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Evangelical “White Guilt” Apostle, Latasha Morrison, Canonizes Kamala Harris During “Evangelicals for Harris” Call

by | Aug 16, 2024 | Apostasy, News, Opinion, Politics, Religion, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church, US

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Evangelicalism’s “White Guilt” apostle, Latasha Morrison—what can be said that isn’t already obvious to anyone paying attention? She’s the founder of “Be the Bridge,” a so-called Christian organization that is primarily concerned with cultivating white guilt within the ranks of Evangelicalism.

Seriously, though. Life must be miserable living in perpetual victimhood the way these people do. It’s like wandering through a never-ending night where the shadows of resentment choke out every glimmer of light, leaving only the cold, suffocating darkness of self-imposed despair.

Latasha Morrison’s doctrines are as predictable as they are pernicious—if you’re white, you’re guilty, and no amount of repentance will ever be enough. In one of her more glamorous moments, at a CRU (formerly Campus Crusade) student conference, she had an entire stadium of white students stand up and repeat a “prayer of lament” for their whiteness. Because being born with white skin is a sin in need of perpetual penance. This kind of self-flagellation is the kind of ideological extortion that should be laughable if it weren’t real, yet here we are, with Evangelical leaders endorsing it without a second thought.

Her influence doesn’t stop at CRU, either, as she and her curriculum, “Be the Bridge,” has been embraced all throughout Evangelicalism. Matt Chandler, Jemar Tisby, SEBTS professor, Walter Strickland—they’ve all inexplicably jumped on Morrison’s bandwagon.

During the “Evangelicals For Harris” Zoom call this week, Morrison cherry-picks verses like 1 John 4:8 and Romans 5:8 to paint Harris as the embodiment of Christian love. It’s a laughable stretch of biblical gymnastics—a feeble attempt to canonize Kamala Harris. Harris, who has built her career on supporting abortion and punishing a biblical worldview, is suddenly the poster child for the Sermon on the Mount? Morrison’s claims of Harris leading us toward compassion and meekness are as empty as they are absurd.

Morrison’s spiel about Harris’s so-called “attitude of repentance” is nothing more than a rebranding of political ambition. When she talks about “meekness” in Harris, one has to wonder if she’s confusing arrogance with humility. And her defense of DEI and open borders by invoking the Imago Dei is a theological joke, twisting biblical language to justify policies that undermine the Scriptures.

Finally, Morrison’s take on abortion is the icing on the cake. She claims to be pro-life, yet dismisses the sanctity of life in favor of a broader political agenda, arguing that she can’t be a “one-issue voter” because of the so-called weaponization of pro-life values. It’s a hollow justification—her idea of “grace” is just a convenient cover for endorsing policies that stand in direct opposition to biblical truth.


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