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If You Don’t Think Leftist Black Churches are Bought and Sold by the DNC, Watch This

by | Aug 13, 2024 | Apologetics, News, Opinion, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, US, Video

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Have you ever seen those montages of local television news stations that repeat nearly identical talking points on each one? It’s almost like they’re all taking orders from some hidden higher authority and their words are being beamed down to them from a starship and they’re just robots—mouths being used to broadcast a message from the secret overlords.

It’s almost surreal. If you haven’t seen them, you should look them up.

Well, there has been much speculation over the years that black pastors have been bought and sold by the Democrat Party, but there has never been any more demonstrable proof than this.

In less than 24 hours after Biden announced that he was dropping out of the presidential race and his endorsement of Kamala Harris, our friends at Woke Preacher Clip found and compiled a 6-minute montage of dozens of black pastors repeating the exact same talking points pushing the Democrat Party agenda.

The propaganda in these clips is nearly identical in everyone, and it’s being passed off as sermon preaching. Yet, it’s clear that every single one of these pastors got their “sermons” from somewhere—like a Docent for DNC black churches or something.


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