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How the Women’s Rights Movement is a Vehicle for Death and Destruction

by | Aug 12, 2024 | Feminism, LGBTQ Issues, Opinion, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, US

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The women’s rights movement began with a seemingly noble intention—to ensure that women were treated with dignity and respect and that they had the right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness just as any man should. It was a battle against what an increasingly egalitarian world began to view as “inequality”, like the denial of basic rights and the expectation that women should remain silent and subservient.

But what was once a crusade for “equality” has been grotesquely disfigured into a militant, nazi-like feminist movement that demands not only acceptance and tolerance but outright celebration of the most heinous of acts—abortion, the mass murder of innocent children in the womb.

How did we get from fighting for the right to vote to screaming in the streets for the right to kill?

This change didn’t happen overnight, but it was inevitable in a culture that worships at the altar of self. The so-called feminist movement has been hijacked by those who hate the very notion of life and its Creator. It has become a grotesque parody of its former self, a monstrous movement that glorifies the destruction of what is most sacred—the life of the unborn.

And all of this, they claim, is in the name of “rights.”

But let’s cut through the euphemisms. “Reproductive rights” is just a polite way to say “the right to commit an abortion,” and “terminate a pregnancy” is just a sanitized phrase for “killing a baby.” This is not about rights—this is about death. And in our modern world, a society that has turned its back on God, death is not merely tolerated, it is celebrated.

From the very beginning, God created man and woman to worship Him in all His glory. But in Adam and Eve, we rebelled against our Creator, choosing to serve ourselves rather than the One who made us. Our rebellion plunged us into a state of spiritual death, but even in our depravity, God, in His grace, left us with a conscience. This conscience is a gift—a remnant of our once-perfect communion with God—that allows us to discern right from wrong, even in our fallen state.

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This is why humanity, even those who are lost, inherently knows that certain things are wrong. Murder, theft, rape—these are universally recognized as evil. And yet, in our self-worship, we are in constant battle with our conscience. For those who wish to pursue sin without restraint, the conscience becomes an unbearable burden. It must be silenced, deadened, so that they can continue in their wickedness without guilt.

This is where the modern feminist movement comes in. The pro-abortion marches, the “shout your abortion” campaigns—these are not just about demanding the right to abort an “inconvenient” child. They are rituals designed to silence the conscience.

When women march in the streets, screaming for the right to kill their unborn children, they are not just shouting at the world—they are shouting at their own souls, trying to drown out the voice of the conscience that God gave them. They band together in these marches, not because they are fighting for some noble cause, but because they need the collective madness to reinforce their own delusions.

It’s the same reason why the LGBTQ movement has “pride marches.” It’s not enough to live in sin quietly—they must parade it before the world, demanding that everyone celebrate it.


Because deep down, they know it is wrong, and they need the affirmation of others to deaden their consciences. It’s a desperate attempt to normalize the abnormal, to justify the unjustifiable, to hide from the God who sees all. But just as Adam and Eve tried to cover their shame with fig leaves, modern rebels against God cannot hide from Him. The fig leaves of feminism and pride will not shield them from the judgment that is to come.

But let’s be clear—this isn’t just about women or about those who march for abortion. This is about a culture that has rejected God and embraced death. This is about a society that celebrates sin and mocks righteousness. This is about a people who have exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and who worship and serve the creature rather than the Creator.

The women’s rights movement has become a vehicle for this rebellion against God. It is necessary for those who wish to continue in their sin without the pesky interference of a conscience. It is necessary for those who want to justify the unjustifiable and normalize the abhorrent.

But it will not succeed!

The conscience, though it can be dulled, cannot be destroyed. And God’s judgment, though it may be delayed, will not be denied.

In the end, the feminist movement, like all movements that rebel against God, will fail. It will be exposed for what it is—a lie, a delusion, a desperate attempt to hide from the truth.

And when that day comes, the fig leaves will fall away, and the nakedness of their sin will be laid bare before the God who sees all. And then, and only then, will they realize that the rights they fought for were not rights at all—but the chains that bound them to death.

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