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So God Spared Trump’s Life, Will He Repent and Believe the Gospel?

by | Jul 15, 2024 | News, Opinion, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, Theology, US

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Unless you live under a rock, you’re aware by now of the incredible assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. I couldn’t believe my eyes when the news broke that a gunman had climbed on top of a nearby roof and opened fire at a former U.S. president and current presidential candidate.

Fortunately, the would-be assassin was neutralized by a Secret Service sniper, but not before causing injury and death among the other rally attendees. This tragic event is a sobering reminder of the extent of human depravity escalated by the volatile political climate we live in today.

The “Never-Trumper” sentiment has been pervasive, driven by those who vehemently oppose everything about Donald Trump. As Christians, our concerns about Trump’s recent policy shifts—particularly his disappointing compromise on abortion—are genuine. Trump has abandoned the conservative stance on this extremely important issue, opting for a more pragmatic, and thus compromised, position.

That being said, there has always been a more insidious narrative surrounding Trump’s candidacy and presidency—the “Never-Trump” sentiment.

Certain people, especially the far-left media, but also including Evangelical talking heads like Russell Moore, David French, etc., have spent the last 11 years constructing a false narrative about Trump. They paint him as everything from a “white supremacist Nazi” to a deranged, sex-obsessed lunatic solely motivated by personal financial gain. While we do not defend Trump’s personal morality, this exaggerated sentiment has cultivated a climate of fear and hostility surrounding his presidency, potentially leading to the recent atrocity we witnessed.

Despite Trump’s survival of this assassination attempt, we must not lose sight of the bigger picture—God’s sovereignty. Scripture reminds us that God is in control of all things. He sets up kings and deposes them according to His divine will (Daniel 2:21). This wildly crazy assassination attempt, something that seems like it should be impossible to pull off in a modern, civilized society, reminds us of the futility of placing our trust in men rather than in God.

God’s providence in sparing Trump’s life could serve multiple purposes. While it is possible that God is using this to further harden Trump’s heart, much like He did with Pharaoh during the plagues (Exodus 9:12), it is also possible that this is an act of divine mercy. Perhaps God is giving Trump an opportunity to repent and believe the gospel.

Trump claims to be a Christian but has demonstrated no real understanding of who God is and who he is before God. Trump, while somewhat friendly to Christians, has demonstrated an attitude of arrogance toward God. Trump doesn’t believe that he needs to ask forgiveness from God because he hasn’t done anything that requires it.

Furthermore, there is a troubling subsect of professing Christians who have elevated Trump to a near messiah-like status. From charismatic false prophets who twist Scripture to portray Trump as an end-times savior to those who place their ultimate trust in him, this idolatry is dangerous.

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Of course, these are false teachers. But there are even true believers who have lost perspective and have misplaced hope in politics. We must remember that our hope is in Christ alone, not in any political leader (Psalm 118:8).

On a personal note, I am not here to persuade anyone on how to vote. Given my disappointment with some of his recent policy decisions, I have yet to decide if I will cast my vote for Trump. However, faced with the choice between Biden and Trump, I will have to weigh my conscience carefully. If I decide not to, it certainly won’t be because Trump or the Republican party is too far to the right, it will be because they are not conservative enough. The Scriptures are far more conservative than either party. And Biden or the Democrat party is certainly not an option for any Christian.

In the end, do what you believe is right, but always remember that Christ’s kingdom is not of this world, and our ultimate hope is in Him, not in any man.

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