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One of the The Fruits of Human Depravity is: Stupidity

by | May 6, 2024 | Opinion, Religion, The Church, Theology

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In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, imbuing the world with order, reason, and morality, and most importantly, a desire to worship Him. However, the first tangible evidence of stupidity emerged in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve, deceived by the serpent, believed they could outsmart the Creator.

This single act of rebellion began a downward spiral in human irrationality that ultimately led to the entire human race, save Noah and his family, being completely destroyed by God. But it was more than just a breaking of God’s command—it was a profound display of unreasonableness—believing that they could hide from an omnipotent God.

This moment encapsulates a profound truth about human nature and its depraved condition: ignorance and irrational thinking are indeed fruits of depravity.

“But these, like irrational animals, creatures of instinct, born to be caught and destroyed, blaspheming about matters of which they are ignorant, will also be destroyed in their destruction…” —2 Peter 2:12

In this passage, the Apostle Peter is addressing false teachers who bring destructive ideologies into the Church leading people down a path of ultimate destruction and demonstrating the willful ignorance on display by such people. The reality here, however, is that unreasonable thinking isn’t limited to just false teachers, but to any self-worshiping fallen man who is in rebellion to God.

Throughout history, this pattern of irrationality has persisted, manifesting in myriad forms of rebellion against God’s sovereignty. When one rejects the divine foundation of truth—God’s self-revelation to creation—he embarks on a perilous path marked by confusion and folly. The unregenerate heart, poisoned by sin, becomes fertile ground for the most preposterous beliefs—chief among them the notion that humans can somehow conquer divine prerogatives or negate God’s omnipresence.

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Scripture abounds with examples of such folly. Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian king who, in his arrogance, claimed glory that belonged to God alone led God to respond to his hubris by reducing him to a beast-like state, wandering and eating grass like an ox, until he acknowledged that the Most High rules over the kingdom of men (Daniel 4:28-37). This dramatic transformation exemplifies the extreme irrationality of believing in one’s own sovereignty over God’s.

Similarly, the Pharaoh of Egypt during the time of Moses displayed the utmost of irrational behavior. Despite witnessing the devastating plagues that systematically dismantled the Egyptian pantheon and demonstrated God’s power, Pharaoh’s heart remained hard. His decision to pursue the Israelites into the Red Sea—where he and his army were drowned—puts on display the peril of opposing God’s declared will (Exodus 14:17-28).

This deceptive line of thinking does not merely pertain to spiritual matters but extends into cultural and moral arenas as well. Consider the modern arguments justifying abortion or defending immoral lifestyles—these, too, are predicated on the feeble-minded notion that human will can override God’s law and eternal decree.

Such foolishness is not only ethically obscene but intellectually bankrupt, reflecting a deep-seated invasion of fatuity into the cultural conscience. The Bible truly couldn’t be any clearer: “Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid.” Proverbs 12:1

The peril of such thinking is not limited to personal delusion but has societal implications. When communities and nations abandon God, they embrace a worldview that is fundamentally at odds with reality. This disconnect leads not only to moral decay but to a breakdown in rational discourse, where the most clearly self-destructive behaviors are celebrated as “freedoms” rather than recognized as bondage to sin—abortion, homosexuality, etc.

The compelling truth of God’s sovereignty, evident in every leaf and star, speaks to a reality far greater than our own designs. It is a constant reminder of the ultimate futility of human efforts to dethrone God. From the Garden of Eden to the present day, every attempt to do so has not only failed spectacularly but has also demonstrated the profound irrationality at the heart of fallen human reasoning.

We must beware of the poison of depraved thinking and seek instead the wisdom that comes from above. It is only through recognizing and submitting to God’s sovereign authority that we can hope to escape the cycle of irrational and morally bankrupt vain philosophies that threaten to undermine both individual lives as well as the collective society. As history has shown, every attempt to outsmart God is not only doomed to failure but is a clear testament to the intrinsic stupidity that sin begets.

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