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Dallas Jenkins, Creator of The Chosen, Explains How He and Mormons Worship the Same “Jesus”

by | Mar 4, 2024 | Apologetics, Apostasy, Cult, News, Opinion, Religion, The Church, Theology, Video | 0 comments

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In a recent podcast episode with Saints Unscripted, a Mormon podcast, creator of the TV series The Chosen, Dallas Jenkins joined the show to explain how Evangelicals and Mormons worship the same Jesus. “We have a lot of theological differences,” Jenkins said, “but we love the same Jesus. As you know full well, in the evangelical community, I’m not necessarily proud to say Latter-day Saints don’t have the best reputation, to put it mildly.”

He later said he would sink or swim on that statement and didn’t mind being called a blasphemer. Watch:

Well, it may be true that many professing Evangelicals worship the same “Jesus” as Dallas Jenkins and Mormons—after all, the gate that leads to destruction is very wide. And, unfortunately, the vast majority of professing Christians are completely lost and have the wrong “Jesus.” But the “Jesus” of Mormons—and the Jesus of The Chosen, for that matter—have nothing at all to do with the real Jesus as revealed to us in God’s word.

The biblical Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, eternally begotten, not made, and of one being with the Father—fully God and fully man, the cornerstone of our faith. But the Mormon Jesus? He’s relegated to being a created being, a spiritual offspring, fundamentally different from the eternal, uncreated Jesus of Scripture.

The biblical Jesus declared on the cross, “It is finished,” offering a complete, once-for-all atonement for our sins, accessible through faith alone—a gift of grace that obliterates our debts. But the Mormon Jesus introduces a convoluted salvation scheme, a blend of his atonement plus human effort, distorting the gospel into a merit-based system that scripture vehemently denies.

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The biblical Jesus is the sole mediator between God and man, the unique bridge to the Father, unparalleled and irreplaceable, the only name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved. But the Mormon Jesus is just one in a pantheon of gods, diluting His exclusivity and undermining His divine sufficiency.

The biblical Jesus founded His kingdom on the transformation of the heart, a spiritual reign that transcends time and place, calling people from all tribes, tongues, and nations to a relationship based on faith, not ethnicity or geography. But the Mormon Jesus? He’s tied to an American-centric narrative with additional scriptures that pervert the universal, timeless gospel Jesus Himself proclaimed.

The biblical Jesus is worshipped and glorified as God Himself, the second person of the Trinity, deserving of our utmost reverence and love, unchanging through the ages. But the Mormon Jesus? He’s depicted in a way that diminishes His deity, presenting a different Jesus who cannot be reconciled with the biblical testimony.

Dallas Jenkins’ claim that Christians and Mormons love the same Jesus is not just flawed, but in his own words, blasphemous, when measured against the Scriptures. The Jesus of the Bible stands in stark contrast to the false Jesus portrayed by the LDS church—an irreconcilable difference that cannot be glossed over with ill-conceived attempts at superficial unity. The truth matters, and when it comes to Jesus, there is no room for compromise or confusion.

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