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Preston Sprinkle Promotes Heresies That Lead People Away From True Repentance and Faith, and Straight to Hell

by | Feb 19, 2024 | Apostasy, heresy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Opinion, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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Preston Sprinkle, one of the original advisory board members of Revoice, the “gay Christian” movement within Evangelical churches, has been instrumental in shifting the church’s doctrinal stance on homosexuality and other aberrant sexualities. It is through Sprinkle’s extensive relationships with mainstream Evangelical leaders James MerrittMatt Chandler, and even names like Beth Moore, that he has been able to popularize what was once denounced as forbidden fruit by Evangelicals.

Sprinkle’s ministry promotes a number of false teachings on sexuality. For example, his ministry promotes the notion that homosexuals can fulfill their homosexual desires in nonsexual ways by entering into same-sex covenant relationships that essentially mimic marriage arrangements but stop short of bodily penetration. Other false teachings that Sprinkle promotes or endorses on this subject are that one can live their life as a “transgender” person, so long as they don’t “act out” sexually with someone of the same biological sex. All weird things, to say the least—but this is the prevailing doctrine of Preston Sprinkle, Revoice, and their allies.

In a recent podcast hosted by Sprinkle, his guest, Colton Beach, who represents himself as a “Legalistic Gay,” presented a blatant false teaching on human sexuality where he posited that Christians should not have to choose between acknowledging their sexuality and their faith in Jesus. He further suggested that conservative churches are unfairly stigmatizing the term “gay,” likening their treatment of the word to the “N-word.” This comparison, at its core, is not only petty but absurd, failing to recognize the profound theological and moral distinctions that underpin the conservative Christian stance on sexuality.

Beach’s arguments rest on several flawed premises. Firstly, his assertion that God does not call us to choose between our identity in our sexuality and our identity in Christ reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of biblical anthropology. The Scripture is clear in its call for believers to die to their old selves and embrace a new identity in Christ (Galatians 2:20; 2 Corinthians 5:17, ESV). This process of sanctification involves renouncing sinful desires and behaviors, including sexual immorality, and living in a manner worthy of the gospel.

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Furthermore, Beach’s attempt to downplay the seriousness of adopting a sexual identity over a Christ-centered identity overlooks the Bible’s explicit teachings on sexual ethics. The apostle Paul admonishes believers to flee from sexual immorality, contending that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and that we were bought with a price, urging us to glorify God with our bodies (1 Corinthians 6:18-20, ESV). This command leaves no room for ambiguity—it clearly states that sexual immorality is incompatible with a life surrendered to Christ.

Not to mention, the entire concept of “sexuality” itself, especially as a defining identity marker, is a modern construct with no equivalent in biblical language or epistemology. The Scriptures speak directly to sexual behaviors and desires, consistently identifying them as sin when they fall outside the God-ordained bounds of marriage between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:4-6, ESV). To suggest that the Bible accommodates an identity founded on homosexual preference or “orientation” is to misrepresent its teachings.

Beach’s commentary also neglects the transformative power of the gospel, which is capable of renewing and changing the most profound aspects of our being, including our desires and self-perception. The New Testament is replete with testimonies of people who turned away from various sins, including sexual immorality, to follow Christ wholeheartedly (1 Corinthians 6:9-11, ESV). The biblical evidence demonstrates that a true encounter with Jesus necessitates a radical realignment of our identities to reflect His lordship over every area of our lives.

Lastly, the assertion that conservative Christian views on sexuality are akin to a form of bigotry is not only unfounded but also a dishonest and false misrepresentation of biblical fidelity. Standing firm on the teachings of Scripture regarding human sexuality is not an act of hatred or exclusion but a faithful witness to the truth of God’s design and desire for humanity. It is a call to repentance and faith, and to experience the fullness of life and joy that comes from living in accordance with His will.

These perspectives championed by Colton Beach and endorsed by Preston Sprinkle are rank heresies and depart from the truth of biblical Christian doctrine. They are nothing but a manifestation of a cultural crusade aimed at distorting the church’s biblical convictions on sexuality and identity, challenging the very core of Scriptural integrity. As guardians of the Divine Word, it is our solemn duty to fiercely denounce such insidious ideologies. We must anchor ourselves in the unshakeable, life-affirming gospel of Jesus Christ.

This gospel demands that we decisively repudiate sin, wholeheartedly embrace our renewed identities in Christ, and pursue a life of sanctity and liberation that only He can bestow. The mission of the church is to boldly and unapologetically declare this eternal truth, offering hope and a pathway to redemption for all who seek refuge in Jesus through true repentance and faith.

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