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Proof That Preston Sprinkle is a Lying, Deceptive Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

by | Nov 28, 2023 | Apostasy, heresy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Opinion, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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Preston Sprinkle, the host of the podcast “Theology in the Raw,” an odd enough title for a podcast, I must say, recently hosted Dr. Jared Moore, pastor and author of the book, The Lusts of the Flesh. Moore’s book addresses the various false teachings that are pervasive within the Evangelical Church around aberrant sexuality, particularly the notion that one can sublimate their sinful sexual desires and sanctify them, turning them into something holy that can be offered back to God.

Among these false teachings, for example, is the notion that homosexuals can fulfill their homosexual desires in nonsexual ways by entering into same-sex covenant relationships that essentially mimic marriage arrangements but stop short of bodily penetration. Other false teachings on this subject are that one can live their life as a “transgender” person, so long as they don’t act out sexually with someone of the same biological sex. All weird things, to say the least—but this is the prevailing doctrine of Revoice and its allies.

During the podcast with Moore, Preston Sprinkle spent an inordinate amount of time attempting to push back against claims of him either teaching or supporting others who teach heresy around this issue. I would invite you to listen to the entire podcast, but here is one short clip where Sprinkle attempts to mitigate the charge against him that he doesn’t believe that God cares if men live as men or women live as women, in the context of “transgender” ideology.

During this clip, Sprinkle, a grand master of sophistry and equivocation, was adamant that despite the charges against him, he has never believed, taught, promoted, or endorsed the idea that God doesn’t care if men live as men and women live as women. He then equivocates by falsely claiming that what Jared may mean by that is that some men don’t care about sports or women want to smoke cigars. Sprinkle also equivocates on the social media trend of putting one’s pronouns in their bio.

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This kind of foolish reasoning on behalf of Sprinkle is demonstrative of his hidden motive, which is to promote homosexuality while hiding underneath a veneer of orthodoxy. The reality is that Sprinkle knows exactly what Moore means by men living as men and women living as women, and he also knows, and even alluded to it at one point, what it means to put your pronouns in your bio. It is a capitulation to the queer-theory notion that gender and sex are distinct aspects of one’s identity, and that gender is fluid.

But worse than that is Sprinkle’s insistence that he doesn’t promote people like that, and that his Exiles in Babylon conference, which Moore referenced in this clip, is a place for people with different beliefs can be heard. But that’s simply false, and even if that were true about this conference, it’s still abundantly clear that Sprinkle has put his stamp of approval on these people.

To prove it, Sprinkle is holding another conference that isn’t publicly known about. It is a conference for parents of LGBTQ children. At this conference, one speaker in particular is particularly aberrant in her sexuality and this person will be lecturing parents on how to love their “LGBTQ children.” While all of these speakers are theologically compromised, even rank heretics. The speaker pictured in the middle below, Carter Sawatzky, is someone you should never allow near your children.

So who is Carter Sawatzky? As best as I can tell, Sawatzky is a biological male, though I really can’t know for sure. Sawatzky has defiled his appearance so much so that he no longer looks either masculine or feminine. According to one of his online bios, he is a “queer” English teacher at Trinity Western University.

And he is an activist for queer ideology and celebration at the school.

And worse than that, Sawatzky, according to another online bio, is involved in drag culture. In other words, Preston Sprinkle “doesn’t endorse” a non-biblical sexual ethic, and “has never said” that he doesn’t care if men live as men or women live as women, but he has invited a drag queen to lecture parents on how to love their children who are struggling with homosexual desires and or actions. Let that sink in.

There is much more than just these people, and I believe you should listen to the entire interview between Moore and Sprinkle. But it’s abundantly clear that Preston Sprinkle isn’t committed to the truth, committed to loving people, nor is he committed to the gospel and saving grace of Jesus Christ. He is a tool of Satan, who is spreading Satanic lies, and Jared Moore was much more cordial with Sprinkle than I would have been. I would have never called him “brother,” as I have no reason to believe that such a label is true.

Also, if you haven’t seen my interview with Jared Moore, it is now publicly available and you can watch it here:

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