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Apostasy of the Modern Church and the Immutable Righteousness of God

by | Aug 21, 2023 | Apostasy, Opinion, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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In an era marked by uncertainty and a drift away from biblical truth, the warnings and judgments found in the pages of Scripture serve as grave reminders to us. These historical accounts are not merely tales of a bygone era but resounding calls to fidelity and obedience. They beckon us to recognize the danger of departing from the foundational teachings of the faith. Within the contemporary church, there’s an alarming trend of professing allegiance to Christ, yet neglecting or even contradicting His commands in daily practice. This duality mirrors the biblical warnings given to ancient Israel, warnings that resonate with urgency for us today.

This reflection reveals a disconcerting trend within the American Church, especially within modern Evangelicalism, a trend that leads us to contemplate the ways in which the church has abandoned the clear and undeniable truth of Scripture and the consequences of such abandonment. It’s a matter that requires our utmost attention as it relates to the very integrity of our faith and the authenticity of our witness in a world desperately in need of the truth.

The pages of Scripture are replete with instances of God’s covenant people turning their backs on Him, embracing the idols of their age, and consequently facing His righteous judgment. The ancient Israelites, entrapped by the allure of foreign gods, committed spiritual adultery time and again. God’s covenant with His people was a bond forged in love and faithfulness.

Yet, this bond was repeatedly broken by the very people it was meant to protect and bless. From the golden calf at Mount Sinai to the Baal worship under wicked kings, Israel’s history is marred by idolatry and apostasy. The path they often chose led to unimaginable horrors—the judgment of a Holy and righteous God.

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During the siege of Jerusalem, the desperation reached such depths that, as the Bible says, “The hands of compassionate women have boiled their own children; they became their food during the destruction of the daughter of my people” (Lamentations 4:10). Their land was ravaged, their temple destroyed, and their identity as a people, the people of God, almost erased, save a remnant by our sovereign, wonder-working God. God’s judgment was not only severe but just, a consequence of their betrayal.

How far removed are we, the modern professing church in America, from this path of apostasy? The parallel is both striking and alarming. Just take a moment to sit back and soberly reflect on the ways in which the church, particularly within Evangelicalism, reflects Israel’s infidelity. In our pursuit of cultural relevance, we’ve often abandoned the truth about clear issues in Scripture. The majority of the churches in America preach a gospel that sounds more like a self-help seminar than anything remotely reflecting the Holiness of God and the sinfulness of man. The sanctity of life, a basic tenet of Christian ethics, is now compromised by the silence or even abject support of abortion within many professing churches. The ancient covenant of marriage, once a reflection of Christ’s love for the church, is now distorted and redefined to accommodate the ever-changing whims of the Pagan culture. Living a godly life has become taboo and replaced with a message of how one can improve themselves, their image, and their self-esteem. And then we’re shocked by the increasing moral decay of society.

The modern church, like ancient Israel, stands at a crossroads, teetering on the edge of compromise and conformity. The lessons of Israel’s history serve as a mirror reflecting our own time, a mirror that reveals the cracks and blemishes of a faith that has gone astray. The question that looms large is whether we will heed the warnings of Biblical history or continue down a path that will ultimately lead to judgment as sure and as severe as that which befell God’s chosen people of old.

Yet, it is not only in these overt rebellions against God’s commands—to value and defend life, sexual ethics, etc.—that we find the church lacking. Even those congregations that may not actively promote such things are often soaked in the lusts of the modern world. Entertainment, pleasure, and self-promotion have been ushered into the sanctuaries, dressed in the garb of relevance, but in truth serving as idols that lead hearts away from the purity of devotion to Christ.

It is not far-fetched, nor is it the cry of alarmism, to believe that God, who has acted historically against those who profess and profane His name, will do the same to the modern Evangelical Church. The Assyrian exile, the Babylonian captivity, the plagues, famines, and droughts—all these were not mere historical coincidences but direct interventions by the Creator of the universe to chastise a wayward people.

The contemporary church in America cannot ignore these lessons from Scripture. God’s judgment is not a relic of a bygone era but a living reality that imbues the covenant relationship between God and His people. God has always used persecution to purge those who are not truly His from among the ranks of those who are. Just as the silversmith refines silver by burning away the dross, or as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, God will purify His church, His bride, removing that which does not belong.

This purification is not a casual undertaking but a profound and extremely painful process. It is a calling back to faithfulness, to purity, to the heart of what it means to follow Christ. We cannot afford to be complacent. The Bible does not explicitly state how or when God will judge the American Church, but it’s clear from Scripture that nothing is off the table. The shadows are lengthening, and the warnings continue to resonate through the pages of Scripture.

The God of Scripture, who disciplined Israel and Judah for their rebellion, who separated the faithful from the faithless, is the same yesterday, today, and forever. God, in His very nature, embodies truth and righteousness, and His standards are not swayed by the whims of culture or the tides of fluctuating popular opinion. As the Bride of Christ, we stand in a moment of decision, where the choices we make may define our path for generations to come. The question is not merely one of intellectual assent to sound doctrine but of allegiance and commitment to the God who calls us to be holy as He is holy while proclaiming His truth.

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