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Vice President of Evangelical-Aligned Black Christian Collective Defends Transgenderism

by | Jul 27, 2023 | Apostasy, Cult, heresy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues | 0 comments

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It’s no secret that the woke social justice movement isn’t actually about racial reconciliation, but a progressive agenda designed to overturn civilized society, wreak havoc, and institute an economic and political system that has exchanged Constitutional freedoms built upon a theistic worldview for a godless system built on the combined secular ideologies of revolutionaries like Stalin, Lenin, and Marx. The movement is so well-organized that it has, in fact, co-opted the Evangelical Church and used it as a platform to launch its crusade against Western civilization among conservative Christians.

Through progressive Evangelical outlets like The Gospel Coalition and the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), Evangelical Communists and Marxists have had an amplified voice to which to launch their progressive program. That program is primarily driven by a movement started by the ERLC under the guise of “racial reconcilation.”

At the behest of these leftist Evangelical organizations, the Church is now largely focused on racial issues and pushes such ideologies as Critical Race Theory, intersectionality, and identity politics. Evangelical seminaries instead of teaching students how to exposit the Scriptures and rightly handle the biblical text, graduates are coming out fully prepared to embrace the race wars against the enemy of “whiteness.” And now that so much of the Church has turned its focus to this carnal debate, even further-left enemies of the Church are now in a prime position to demand what they really want from society — and probably get it.

The Witness is a politically- and theologically-left Evangelical organization that dubs itself a “black Christian collective that engages issues of religion, race, justice, and culture from a biblical perspective” and is led by one of the most notorious anti-white racist politically-left Critical Race Theorists, Jemar Tisby. The Witness is aligned with many Southern Baptist churches and Southern Baptist pastors are known to contribute writing to this organization.

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Unsurprisingly, like all leftist organizations, The Witness is pro-choice on abortion as one of its primary contributors, and now Vice President, Ally Henny, tweets the leftist mantra that abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare.”

Now, Henny, who is aligned with other prominent Evangelical figures such as Beth Moore, and others such as LaTasha Morrison from Be The Bridge—a program adopted by many Southern Baptist and Evangelical churches and organizations that train staff and members on how to flagellate themselves for being white—is now defending transgenderism, adopting the language of the LGBTQ movement, and claiming that black women actively experience “transphobia” in this society—all because, wait for it, white supremacy.

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