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The Biblical Case for Christians Leaving Blue States: Shaking the Dust Off Our Feet

by | Jun 28, 2023 | Blog, News, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, Theology, US | 0 comments

The debates in Christian circles have recently been marked by an issue of geographical color—the decision for Christians to leave “blue states” for “red states.” The color here is symbolic, denoting political ideologies, with blue, of course, symbolizing liberal leanings and red standing for conservative values. In the midst of this escalating debate, it is important to steer the discourse back to the Bible, which provides both our compass and our map.

In the face of opposition and hostility, Paul, the Apostle, provides a model worth considering. In Acts 13:51 (ESV), we see Paul and Barnabas shaking the dust off their feet in protest after being rejected in Antioch. They move on, bringing their message to places where it could be heard and embraced. There is a lesson in this for us. While it is our mission to spread the Gospel (Mark 16:15), it doesn’t mean we must make our homes in places where our faith is persistently antagonized or our rights as parents infringed upon.

California and New York, as primary examples of these progressive blue states, have indeed become particularly challenging environments for Christian families who are striving to raise their children in the faith. Just look at the public school system, where the curriculum is increasingly devoid of Christian values and instead flooded with ideologies that stand in stark contrast to our biblical worldview. Notably, lessons promoting an unfettered acceptance of the LGBTQ+ movement, irrespective of biblical standards on sexuality and marriage, have become normative.

In workplaces across these states, it’s increasingly common for corporations to emphasize and celebrate identities and behaviors that are at odds with the Christian understanding of personhood and morality, under the guise of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Any dissension, even when expressed respectfully and grounded in one’s faith, is often met with punitive action or social ostracism.

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Even simple daily transactions in the marketplace are not immune to this hostility. From businesses celebrating Pride month with rainbow-colored products to entertainment companies producing shows that glamorize ungodly lifestyles, the secular world’s influence seems inescapable. In these situations, maintaining a Christian witness can feel like walking a tightrope.

The cultural milieu of these states increasingly mirrors the biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, which were infamous for their widespread wickedness and defiance of God’s law. However, we must understand that even in those extreme circumstances, God did not instruct His faithful followers to make their homes within these corrupt cities. On the contrary, God made a way for His righteous servant, Lot, to escape from Sodom before its destruction (Genesis 19:12-13).

In this context, the instruction found in Proverbs 22:6 (ESV) becomes all the more poignant: “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Given the societal conditions we face in some of these progressive strongholds, it seems fair to ask: How can we as Christians effectively fulfill this divine command? How can we instill Christian values in our children when the society around them is propagating values and philosophies that stand in direct contradiction to our faith? These are the questions we must grapple with as we navigate this complex and critical issue and guide our decisions as families.

The crux of the matter is not about abandoning the mission field but about deciding where we can be most effective in our Christian calling. We are not all called to be missionaries in hostile territories. In 1 Corinthians 7:17 (ESV), Paul writes, “Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him”. Hence, it is the individual believer, guided by the Holy Spirit, who must discern where they can best fulfill their God-given calling.

The argument that Christian families should remain in blue states as ‘resident missionaries’ falls short when scrutinized through the lens of the Bible. We are called to spread the Gospel, yes, but we are also called to protect our families and ensure the spiritual growth of our children. Therefore, suggesting that a Christian’s decision to leave a blue state is in some way “less Christian” or unfaithful to the gospel mission is a misconstrued argument that lacks biblical grounding.

The call to Christian life is a call to wisdom, discernment, and personal responsibility. It is not a call to stubbornly stay put in the face of hostility. As Christians, we have the liberty and responsibility to choose what is best for us and our families—sometimes that will mean personal sacrifice of our own safety and livelihood and sometimes it will mean shaking the dust off our feet. This decision, taken prayerfully and with biblical wisdom, could indeed mean moving to a state where our faith is respected and our rights upheld.

However you decide, the decision to relocate or stay is deeply spiritual, and it should be respected as such. Encouraging Christians to leave or remain in blue states as a testament to their faith is not only unbiblical but also a form of legalism that we should diligently avoid. The Bible reminds us in Romans 14:4, “Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls.” We should focus on helping our fellow brothers and sisters navigate these decisions with biblical wisdom, urging them to consider the blind spots they may be overlooking when necessary, and offering support where possible when the right decision seems an impossible undertaking. The right decision may cost families their jobs, their homes, and even their local churches, at times—and it will likely never be easy. But this is where the Church shines—”By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35)

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