Anyone who still believes that the popular television show, The Chosen, is a Christian television show is deceiving themselves. While Christians and churches have been entranced by this show for the last several years, many of us have been sounding the alarm about the unbiblical and even subtle heretical propaganda that is being pushed by it.
From the outset, The Chosen has distorted the gospel into a subtle form of social activism. The show presents Jesus primarily as someone who came to lead the world in changing the dynamics of power structures and hierarchies rather than call people out of the world into the Kingdom.
We reported a while back that during one episode, the actor playing Jesus, Jonathan Roumie, quotes from the Book of Mormon claiming Jesus to be the “law of Moses,” directly contradicting what Jesus said in Scripture. This false teaching is not found anywhere in Scripture, but rather in the Mormon book of Nephi in verse 15:9.
We also reported that Roumie had been praying with the dead and chatting with the ghost of Lonnie Frisbee, a man who lived as a preacher by day and a practicing homosexual by night.
So we really weren’t surprised when a homosexual pride flag appeared on the set during a recording of a recent episode. While this has caused backlash in the Christian community, several involved with the recording of the show has come to the defense of homosexuality. The latest is Giavani Cairo, the actor on the show who plays Thaddeus.
In response to a post on Twitter by John Root calling out the hypocrisy of having a pride flag—a symbol of the utmost rebellion against Christ—on the set of a television show that is supposed to portray Christ and the gospel, Cairo responded in defense of homosexuality:

Cairo then doubled-down in a response to Root:
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These are the actors and creators of this so-called “Christian” television show. Why are we boycotting Target, Chick-fil-a, and other secular places promoting sexual immorality but giving a pass to The Chosen? Why are churches and pastors encouraging people to watch this show? It is nothing but a trojan horse, a gateway to apostasy. It is more than mere entertainment, it is a tool that Satan is using to deceive people. Please, be discerning.