Sadie Robertson became famous in part due to her family’s reality TV show, “Duck Dynasty,” which aired from 2012 to 2017 where she gained a following for her “positive and wholesome” image on the show, which often included discussions of her faith and values. In 2014, she published her first book, “Live Original,” a New York Times bestseller, where she shared her message of “staying true to oneself” which helped to establish Sadie as a Christian influencer.
Almost a decade ago, the Duck Dynasty show sparked a controversy when Phil Robertson, the family’s patriarch, made a comparison between homosexuality and bestiality during a television appearance. Although his remarks were accurate, the show was on the verge of being canceled due to the uproar. However, the controversy revealed a few theological issues with the show, including the fact that the family’s church denomination was the legalistic Church of Christ associated with the Campbellite movement.
Fast forward to today, Sadie Robertson, Phil’s granddaughter, has now joined the circuit of prosperity gospel heretics and is traveling with them to promote herself as a Christian influencer. Sadie is joining some of Christendom’s worst offenders, rank heretic Word of Faith charlatan, Joyce Meyer and TD Jakes, who denies the Trinity, for a women’s conference where she will be sharing the stage with them.

Sadly, many women today still believe that Sadie is sound and has wise words to offer the Christian community. She does not and her appearance with these charlatans demonstrates her lack of discernment and biblical wisdom.
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