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The Bible is Not a Creation of the Church, but the Eternal, Literal, Inerrant Word of God

by | Apr 11, 2023 | News, Religion, The Church, Theology | 0 comments

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In the beginning was the Word, and it has reverberated through the epochs, shepherding the Church and standing as an everlasting bulwark against the encroachment of heresies, empty ideologies, and vain philosophies that seek to defy the knowledge of the God. The Holy Scriptures, the eternal Word of God, remain the immutable foundation of the Christian faith. Yet, there is an alarming trend, a growing multitude who profess Christ, who venture to cast doubt upon its divine authority and inerrant nature. Today, we shall set forth to defend the Bible as the literal, historical, and authoritative Word of God, for upon this very foundation, the sanctity and integrity of the Christian faith are built.

Before we embark on this quest, let us first be clear on the nature of our terms:

  • Literal: To interpret the Bible in its plain, intended meaning, acknowledging the historical and cultural context of the original authors.
  • Authoritative: To acknowledge the Bible as the ultimate source of truth and guidance for Christian beliefs and practices.
  • Word of God: The divinely inspired and infallible message of God as recorded in the Bible.

Contrary to the highly popular view that the Church gave us the Bible, the biblical canon, rather than emerging through a gradual process, has always existed as divinely inspired works, with the early church’s role being to simply acknowledge it. Guided by the Holy Spirit, the early Christians identified the authoritative writings, ranging from the Old Testament’s prophetic texts to the New Testament’s apostolic accounts. As such, the Bible is the foundation, shaping Christian doctrine and defining the church’s identity.

Naysayers often cast doubts upon the Bible’s literal and authoritative essence, pointing to perceived contradictions, historical context, and metaphorical language. Yet, their arguments crumble when scrutinized with care:

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  • Alleged inconsistencies reveal a need to delve deeper into the context and authorial intent of the passages in question.
  • Historical and cultural context illuminates the eternal truths and principles woven through the tapestry of the biblical narrative.
  • Metaphorical language, while not literal, still imparts profound spiritual truths that harmonize with the grand symphony of Scripture.

In the pages of the Bible, we find divine inspiration, the very breath of God, as declared in 2 Timothy 3:16-17: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” The doctrine of inerrancy holds that the Bible, in its original manuscripts, is free from error, making it the trustworthy Word of God.

The Bible abounds with fulfilled prophecies, such as the foretelling of Christ’s birth, death, and resurrection. As it is written, so it has come to pass. Archaeological and historical evidence only strengthens the Bible’s credibility as the literal, authoritative Word of God.

Interpreting the Bible literally according to authorial intent is essential for upholding the core Christian doctrines, such as the deity of Christ, the atonement, and the resurrection. To embrace the Bible’s literal nature and authority is to acknowledge its far-reaching implications for personal faith, morality, and engagement with the world. By submitting to God’s Word, believers may walk in the light, growing in their understanding of God’s character, His redemptive plan, and His call to live transformed lives.

Let us never abandon the truth of the Bible, for it is not just a book, but a living Word that has sustained generations before us and will continue to guide us in the future. It is the rock on which our faith is built and the light that illuminates our path in a world shrouded in darkness. We should embrace the Bible with our hearts and minds turned toward God, recognizing it as a source of strength and guidance in our daily lives and the eternal truth to which all creation is accountable. It is a source of confusion, but rather a guiding light that provides us with direction and clarity. Let us hold onto the truth of the Bible with unwavering faith, and allow it to shape our lives and bring us closer to the God who wrote it.

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