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Kat Kerr Says God Told Her to “Eat Cake and Celebrate,” and that the Stripes on the American Flag Represent Jesus’ Wounds

by | Apr 18, 2024 | Apostasy, Cult, News, Religion, The Church, Video

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Kat Kerr, the pink-haired self-described “prophetess” has said some pretty bizarre things. This woman, who says she has visited Heaven thousands of times and retells her stories of people that she’s seen in Heaven and places that she’s visited, appears to be suffering from some sort of hallucinatory disorder.

Whatever it is, her endless delusional mind causes her to recount such things as places like Christmastown in Heaven where Santa Clause lives, visions of a “mock hell” where teenage girls who wear tight jeans go to be cured of their immodesty, and a special place in Heaven called “Passionate Paradise” where celibates and virgins get to hang out.

But her trips to Heaven and hallucinatory visions aren’t her only malfunction in life. Like most other charismatic false prophets, she believes she has the power to control the weather. On September 28, before Ian made landfall in Florida, Kerr released a video explaining that she had taken “authority” over Ian and was commanding the bands of the Hurricane to break apart.

And in one of her most recent prophetic hallucinations, draped in an American flag, apparently, God told her to “eat cake and celebrate” because God is saving America, isn’t going to let anything happen to it, and the stripes on the American flag represent the stripes of Jesus.

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Father, I thank you for this day that you have made God a day of freedom, liberty, justice and celebration, and therefore you can say whatever you want to say. Who formed this nation from their very heart?

Who called forth the waters and the land? Who called forth all of nature to be here? Who called forth liberty and justice to be a part of this nation? Who called forth the flag that represents the stripes of Jesus Christ?

Who called forth those who would love God, who would serve God? Who called them forth to help the evil and the wicked to know the way, to bring the light? Who caused those to bring them to have healing in their hearts, in their souls, in their mind?

Healing comes from the stripes of Jesus Christ. Love comes from the heart of God. Love comes from what I say it comes from. For I am that I am. And I say this land will not be stolen.

This land will not be diseased. This land will not have crime and wickedness in it. I say that righteousness, justice and freedom was born in this land, will remain in this land. And I say get ready for the glory of God to flood this earth, to flood this America.

So get your crown on and get ready to rule and reign with my son Jesus Christ. Because it will happen. Celebration will be in the streets. Eat, cake and celebrate says your God.

Because that’s what’s coming. Throw the trash out the door, the doom and gloom out the door, the lies out the door and live the truth. Live who you are…

“Eat cake and celebrate, says your God, because that’s what’s coming…” False prophet Kat Kerr sounds like she’s in a drunken stupor in this ridiculous stunt, says stripes on American flag represent Jesus’ wounds. See full clip here: https://thedissenter.substack.com/p/kat-kerr-says-god-told-her-to-eat

– Jeff

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