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How Charlatans are Using Super Bowl to Advance False Prophecies About “Revival”

by | Feb 13, 2023 | heresy, News, Religion, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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If you’ve been paying attention to Christendom, you’re likely aware of the so-called “Asbury Revival” taking place at Asbury University right now. And while we are skeptical of what is taking place there, there are most certainly charlatans who are going to use this to further their own deception and lead other people astray.

One of those people is Shawn Bolz.

Shawn Bolz is a notorious false teacher who is infamous for his connections to the deceitful and fraudulent Bethel Church in Redding, California. This church is well-known for its scandalous and phony displays of supposed “signs and wonders.” Bolz travels around to different churches, falsely claiming to prophesize and deliver personal “affirmations from God.”

In a recorded instance, Bolz is seen giving baseless psychic readings, much like the discredited con artist John Edward. He has even published a book called “God Secrets,” in which he baselessly claims that God will reveal personal information to individuals to strengthen their relationship with the Lord. This is a tactic commonly employed by fortune tellers, a practice that is explicitly denounced in scripture. The source of this information vehemently states that Bolz’s teachings are completely incompatible with Christianity and that he should be exposed as a fraud, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and avoided at all costs.

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Now, Shawn Bolz is combining the Super Bowl win by the Kansas City Chiefs last night to the “revival” that is taking place in Asbury and suggesting that we give another false prophet, Bob Jones, credibility because of some obscure lame “prophecy” he made years ago. Bolz Claims that Bob Jones told him years ago that when the Kansas City Chiefs win the Super Bowl, that we will know that God is bringing forth revival:

And, by the sheer number of likes, shares, and comments, you can clearly see that many people are falling for it.

So who is Bob Jones? Bob Jones, one of the founding members associated with the Kansas City Prophets, has been a controversial figure in the religious world, particularly among the Charismatic, IHOP, New Apostolic Reformation, and Signs and Wonders movements. Despite multiple past false prophecies, he is revered as an unparalleled prophet by his followers who have unwavering faith in his so-called “prophecies” that they believe are destined to come to pass without fail.

There is an infamous video circulating the internet that depicts Bob Jones and self-proclaimed revivalist and faith-healer, Todd Bentley discussing the supposed “great revival” occurring in Lakeland, Florida. At the time, many prominent Charismatic leaders and organizations had thrown their weight behind Bentley as a purported healer and revivalist. Sadly, his subsequent behavior led to what has become known as the “Charismatic Day of Infamy.”

Despite being considered by some to be one of the finest prophets on the planet, Bob Jones’s teachings are false and contradict sound biblical teaching. In this video, he makes absurd statements that can be interpreted as nothing less than blasphemy, including the notion that it’s up to humans to liberate God and the angels by speaking things into existence. He also speaks fondly of discredited false teachers from the 1950s, including William Branham and Oral Roberts, both of whom have left a lasting impact on the prosperity preaching movement.

Despite his false prophecies and teachings, Bob Jones continues to command a sizable following within the revivalist movement, with some supporters anticipating a billion-soul revival in the near future based solely on his predictions, ignoring warnings in the Bible about false teachers and the signs of a great falling away.

This fervor around Bob Jones raises concerns about the level of conformity and desperation within the Evangelical community. Participants are often encouraged to attend these revivals and demonstrate their devotion to God through practices such as singing along with celebrity worship teams and holding their hands up high during religious events. However, it’s crucial to approach these leaders with a discerning eye and thoroughly examine their teachings and practices in the context of biblical scripture before blindly following.

So what does the Scripture have to say about all of this? It is clear that Shawn Bolz, Bob Jones, Todd Bentley, and all of those associated with this hyper-charismatic New Apostolic Reformation modern-day prophetic movement are all false prophets and false teachers. Jesus says in Matthew 24:24 and echoed in Mark 13:22 that “For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.” And perhaps the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Thessalonians has the strongest words for what we see taking place:

The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, 10 and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, 12 in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. —2 Thessalonians 2:9-11

Even if what’s happening at Asbury turned out to be a true move of the Holy Spirit—only the true fruits of repentance will demonstrate this for sure—one this is for sure, false teachers and false prophets will use it to go out of their way to deceive people and lead them astray.

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