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Drag Queens in Kindergarten Classes? This is Getting Really Ugly

by | Dec 12, 2022 | Cult, LGBTQ Issues, News, Religion, Social-Issues, Video | 0 comments

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It’s absolutely disgusting and completely unacceptable that men wearing dresses are being allowed to perform for Kindergartners. Just the thought of grown men prancing around in garish, over-the-top outfits, sporting heavy makeup and fake breasts, while young children watch on, is enough to make anyone’s stomach turn.

These “entertainers” may call themselves “drag queens,” but let’s be real, they are just men in dresses trying to garner attention and push their twisted lifestyle on unsuspecting young minds. They may claim that their performances are about “inclusivity” and “diversity,” but in reality, they are just using innocent children as pawns in their sick game.

What kind of message are we sending to our children by allowing these men in dresses to perform for them? That it’s okay for grown men to dress up as women and dance provocatively? That it’s acceptable to flaunt one’s sexuality in front of young, impressionable minds? This is not the kind of behavior we should be exposing our children to.

These “drag queens” have absolutely no business working with children. But they are doing what they do—grooming young minds to be conformed to their sex-crazed worldview. Tet they are being allowed to interact with our youngest and most vulnerable citizens and most of society, and even many of the parents, just don’t care.

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It’s a recipe for disaster and a serious danger to the well-being of these children.

It’s time for parents and concerned community members to take a stand and say enough is enough. We must protect our children from these deviant circus clowns and the inappropriate and damaging messages they are spreading. Let’s put a stop to these grotesque performances once and for all.

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