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Veggie Tales Creator, Phil Vischer, Comes Out as Pro-Choice on Abortion

by | Oct 4, 2022 | Abortion, Apostasy, News, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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Phil Vischer, who is best known for creating the Christian-themed-but-filled-with-bad-doctrine children’s cartoon series, Veggie Tales, has made a new name for himself among the rising Evangelical Beast of Revelation known as the Woke Church. Vischer, who wonders if Latino people who vote Republican are actually just white people in disguise and who argues that churches should embrace transgender people, has been a staunch advocate for Christians trading in their moral compass and embracing leftist, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual politics all in the name of wokeness.

And While Vischer has been openly promoting progressive Democrats, identity politics, and Critical Race Theory–going even so far as to say that white people who put their kids in good schools are wicked and racist–it wasn’t until recently that he began to openly question the historic, biblical doctrine of sexual morality.

In a lengthy back-and-forth on Twitter, Vischer has been arguing with William Wolfe about the morality of abortion. Of course, any true Christian knows that murder in any case, no matter what, is always immoral. It’s the sixth commandment (fifth if you’re Catholic).

The argument began with Joel Berry, one of the authors of the Babylon Bee. Vischer had been arguing that “according to Southern Baptist research,” the Black Protestant Church has the most “orthodox theology.” Berry hit back by pointing out that the vast majority of historically black churches within the Protestant tradition are actually pro-choice—an observable fact—which actually, despite what SBC research says, places these churches that embrace the pro-choice movement outside the realm of orthodoxy. “Something has gone very wrong with these churches,” Berry said.

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That’s when Wolfe jumped in to answer Vischer’s next question about the permissibility of abortion according to Scripture.

Vischer then goes on to argue that his position on the permissibility of abortion is “probably if it’s early in the pregnancy.”

The argument continued with Vischer demonstrating exactly what the problem is in the modern “pro-life” movement. The pro-life movement isn’t actually pro-life, it’s pro-choice. If you believe that the mother should have the option to murder an innocent child, that is the very definition of pro-choice. But Vischer argues that his position is in line with the pro-life movement.

This is the same flawed position that many Southern Baptist leaders hold today. It is essentially a ‘lite’ version of the previous Democrat party’s platform position of “safe, legal, and rare.” Part of their problem is that they adopt the tactics of the left to try to conflate a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy with “abortion” to try to justify murder and then, from there, argue that “see, abortion can be justifiable in some situations.” This serves only to muddy the waters between what abortion is and isn’t so that there can’t be a clear line drawn on when “abortion is permissible,” according to Vischer.

They rally around the talking point, “make abortion unnecessary,” which carries with it the implication that abortion is currently necessary and permissible due to a multitude of factors including social or financial ills. The problem, though, is in his mind which rejects objective truth, reality, and morality in favor of subjectivism, logically, abortion can be permissible whenever the mother decides its permissible because there is no clear line. The bottom line is that Phil Vischer, and people like him, reject the biblical truth that the unborn human being is just as valuable of life as the born human being, made in the image of God, and worthy of protection. And the fact that in his mind, killing an innocent human being could EVER be permissible makes him ipso facto pro-choice.

If you let your kids watch Veggie Tales, stop. This is the kind of gospel-less moral indoctrination they will receive from watching that stuff.

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