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Pink-Haired Prophetess, Kat Kerr, Commands Angels to Destroy Hurricane Ian, But Fails Miserably

by | Oct 3, 2022 | Apostasy, Cult, heresy, News, Religion, Video | 0 comments

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Kat Kerr, the pink-haired self-described “prophetess” has said some pretty bizarre things. This woman, who says she has visited Heaven thousands of times and retells her stories of people that she’s seen in Heaven and places that she’s visited, appears to be suffering from some sort of hallucinatory disorder.

Whatever it is, her endless delusional mind causes her to recount such things as places like Christmastown in Heaven where Santa Clause lives, visions of a “mock hell” where teenage girls who were tight jeans go to be cured of their immodesty, and a special place in Heaven called “Passionate Paradise” where celibates and virgins get to hang out.

But her trips to Heaven and hallucinatory visions aren’t her only malfunction in life. Like most other charismatic false prophets, she believes she has the power to control the weather. On September 28, before Ian made landfall in Florida, Kerr released a video explaining that she had taken “authority” over Ian and was commanding the bands of the Hurricane to break apart.

Having other people repeat a “declaration” after her, she announces with an audience echo, “In the name of Jesus Christ, this storm Ian, has no right, to crush, harm, destroy, any person, any property, we rule, on this earth, with Jesus Christ, according to his word. So right now, we command the host of heaven, to get in that storm Ian and begin to shred the bands…”

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Of course, her attempt at commanding the angels of Heaven to do as she says failed miserably and proves that whatever god she worships isn’t the God of the Bible. The latest death toll is at 83 with billions in property damage. Either her god is musing, or he is relieving himself, or he is on a journey, or perhaps he is asleep and must be awakened. Just like the prophets of Baal, her god was unable to perform miracles. Therefore, just like the prophets of Baal, she should be mocked.

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