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SBTS Trustee Says There Was “Wife-Swapping” Going on at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in the ’80s

by | Sep 30, 2022 | News, Politics, Religion, The Church | 0 comments

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Conservative Southern Baptist pastor and trustee of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Tom Rush, says that when he attended the seminary during the ’80s, there was a huge disconnect between what was being taught in the churches and what was going on at the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary which he attended in during that time.

“One of the things that was being pushed really hard at Southeastern when I was there,” Rush said in a podcast, “is what’s known as the Documentary Hypothesis interpretation of the Old Testament. And some of the behaviors I saw among the students that were at the seminary were not Christian behaviors.”

“There was wife-swapping going on in the student housing,” he said. Rush said he heard worse language in the seminary classroom than he’d ever heard in the Navy. Randall Lolley was president of Southeastern during that time and is now presided over by Danny Akin, who is graduating transgender-affirming feminist women with pastoral ministry degrees.

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