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Report Says Trustees Actually Did Their Jobs and Pushed Back on the SBC Swamp’s Quid Pro Quo for Greenway

by | Sep 29, 2022 | News, Religion, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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As we reported yesterday, Adam Greenway, former president of Southwestern Seminary who was recently forced out and who would have taken a new role created specifically for him at the International Mission Board (IMB), announced that he would not be moving forward with those plans.

Greenway, a left-wing theological and political operative who took control of the seminary three and a half years ago, has seen nothing but decline under his leadership. Before his resignation was announced, Greenway thought he had secured a new sinecure position at the IMB which his close friend, Paul Chitwood created just for him. His job, which the IMB offered little commentary on, would have been essentially pointless, it appears. The comments offered up by the IMB basically said that they were seeking people to help “address lostness.”

According to a new report at Baptist News Global—a leftist publication that I typically do not recommend due to its progressive bias—reports that it has confirmed that the trustees of IMB have pushed back on the newly-created job for Greenway. “BNG has confirmed from multiple sources that Chitwood had received pushback from IMB trustees,” the report stated, “who were not on board with creating a role for Greenway.”

Southern Baptists are well-known for their shady arrangements for their friends. However, when those friends start costing them money, they are also well-known for throwing them under the bus. Are the trustees here actually doing their jobs? It would seem so, but it also appears that IMB president, Paul Chitwood, and Greenway are both victims of the political game that is known as the SBC. You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours—until you scratch through my skin, then you’re done.

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It doesn’t look like Greenway has much of a future in the Southern Baptist Convention at this point. While we don’t wish him and his family financial difficulty, we do praise the decision to at least remove one swamp member regardless of the remaining swamp’s motives for doing so. But it appears that Greenway’s incessant progressivism has cost the SBC.

Adam Greenway, who says you must be a Marxist in order to be fully pro-life, who compares conservatives to 1965 segregationists, and spent most of the 2021-22 SBC fiscal year defending former Southern Baptist president and serial plagiarist, Ed Litton, has spent the better part of this past summer arguing for the allowance of women in the pulpit and defending Rick Warren for ordaining three women to the pastorate of Saddleback Church, one of the largest Southern Baptist congregations in the nation.

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