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Southern Baptist Missions Board Hires Failed Seminary President Who Defended Rick Warren’s Women Pastors

by | Sep 28, 2022 | News, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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The Southern Baptist Convention has become nothing more than a dumpster fire. I know that there are still solid Bible-believing churches in the denomination and honestly, the vast majority of Southern Baptists are conservatives who hold to conservative biblical beliefs. That being said, the leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention has devolved into a self-serving guild designed to keep the elites in perpetual control making room only for ladder-climbers who profess complete and total loyalty to the establishment.

The regime in control of the Southern Baptist Convention looks exactly like the swamp that is in control of our secular government.

Consider the last annual meeting in Anaheim, California in 2022. The 2022 annual meeting represented the most crucial turning point in the denomination’s history with some of the most important decisions with lasting effects taking place. Yet, the meeting was held in one of the most remote and expensive locations in the nation far outside of the affordable zone for many if not most small church messengers. On the opposite side of the nation from a majority of Bible-belt Southern Baptist rural churches, it proved too expensive for these pastors while easily affordable for the urban megachurch messengers who control the denomination.

If you don’t think that this was by design, as a means to secure the votes of the establishment for key positions in the denomination, you are naive. Of course, it was.

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But securing votes isn’t the only way the quid pro quo works in the Southern Baptist Convention. These men, no matter how awful they are, scratch each other’s backs. One example of this would be Matt Carter, pastor of one of the largest Southern Baptist megachurches in the nation, who is retiring from his role of lead pastor due to health issues. According to Carter, he could no longer handle the stress of pastoring the church with his health issues, so the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board basically created a new sinecure position—basically a fake title that carries little to no duties but still pays well—to keep their fellow mega-pastor friend afloat. Not to make light of Carter’s health issues, but it isn’t the purpose of the Southern Baptist Convention to prop up elites and give them high-paying low-duty honorary jobs “just because.”

But that’s what they do. And perhaps, the most sinister move in recent history is the bailing out of Adam Greenway, former president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, after he was forced to resign for mismanagement as donors were pulling back after his Southern Baptist Seminary Head, Adam Greenway, Continues to Argue for Women Pastors of Rick Warren’s church ordaining women to the pastorate.

Greenway also relentlessly defended the serial plagiarist, Ed Litton, during his tenure as Southern Baptist president.

Knowing he would be forced out, the Southern Baptist Convention’s International Missions Board (IMB) created a faux position with hardly any duties but with high pay in order to give him a soft landing by IMB presidential elite, Paul Chitwood. The Baptist Press attempted to reach out to the IMB for more information on Greenway’s position, which is still in the process of being made, and received the following canned response:

“IMB has 4,000 employees and is aggressively recruiting new team members from across the U.S. who can help us effectively address the world’s greatest problem – lostness. We have a long-standing practice of respecting employees’ confidentiality in our hiring process.”

We don’t know what Greenway’s duties will be, but what we do know is that the IMB created this job opening for no other reason than to give Greenway this job, pay him, and make Southern Baptists who attend Southern Baptist churches pay his salary. And meanwhile, you and probably your pastor, get absolutely no say-so in the process. At some point, we’re all going to have to wake up and see the monster we’ve created and put it out of its misery.

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