In Acts 16:16-18, we are told of a slave girl who had a spirit of divination and followed around the Apostle Paul during his ministry proclaiming that Paul and his fellow ministers had the truth and the way of salvation. But Paul was able to see right through her lying spirit and rebuked her, knowing that her ultimate purpose was to undermine his ministry and draw people who followed the teachings of Paul into believing her own damnable heresies.
These spawns of Satan will go to any length possible to try to discredit Christ, even by pretending to be followers of Christ and the Scriptures in order to undermine Him. Today, it’s wrapped up in a false movement called “progressive Christianity.” It is no Christianity at all, it merely uses a little bit of Bible-twisting to deceive people into believing that the lies they tell come from the same spirit. But they do not—this is why we’re called to “test the spirits” (1 John 4:1-6).
Watch this man, who claims to be a minister of God named Leo Wolters Tejera, claim that because Jesus was born of a virgin, that makes him only have X chromosomes so he is “non-binary”—a word used to describe “genderqueer” people who don’t identify as male or female.